Chapter 4 - Purple Rain

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"What the..."


"Are you sure this is your first time on the pole? Like ever?" Emma asked, completely perplexed.

"Well, yeah? I used to be good at dance at school..." I trailed off, not knowing how to finish that in a non-cringy way.

"Oh, of course, she was good at Dance in school." Another girl whose name I didn't know scorned.

"Well, you're hired, definitely, when can you start?" Levi got up and walked up to the stage where the pole was stuck and looked up at me.

"Today? Whenever you want?" I responded anxiously.

"Great, see you tomorrow at 7, you need to practice, get dressed and get to know everyone better, go home for today and have a good night." He winked at me and walked off.

Oh Jesus what have I gotten myself into?


When I stepped inside of my home I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My face felt hot and my body clammy. I needed a shower and I needed to calm down.

When I got inside my bathtub, the warm water soaked my tired muscles and made them less sore. Few minutes on the pole and the muscles under my arms and between my legs were hurting. I sighed.

How was I even going to tell my parents? My family? My friends? What if my uni found out? What if I found one of my teachers there? Imagine the embarrassment I'd feel! My hands were fidgeting inside the water and I suddenly felt dirty.

I went back to my actions and tried to understand why I was feeling dirty.

My family always had been very conservative, out of all my family members I was the one whose mind was more open to new cultures and less prejudiced. I've spent my whole life knowing that the nightlife was for other people other than me but now that I am part of that world what does that make me? A hypocrite?

Makes you think.

Can you ever really judge and say you will never belong in a certain place?

I wasn't sure yet if I belonged there, this was just a quick way of getting money to help me out financially while I try to get another job. But still, I felt as if my little secret were to be exposed I'd lose everything. And to know that I already had lost so much, I didn't want to lose myself too.

My hands took some water to my face and splashed it. My cheeks were so warm that it felt cold when it touched me.

I promised myself that this would be a short-term thing but why do I feel so dirty? Is it because now I'm really going to feel the weight of society's judgemental opinions on me? I used to be one of those people.

I closed my eyes and let myself sink. Maybe I'd stop feeling so dirty if I just took the f*cking shower.

Good idea.


My night was restless, I kept turning and turning and turning and I couldn't stop. Uni started in a few days and I was already running out of money. My thoughts kept jumping at all kinds of possible worst-case scenarios in my head and my brain was about to explode.

It was midday and I was having my tea, my hair in a bun and my pjs were all crumpled. I looked like a mess. And I bet my face did too.

As soon as I had finished eating brunch, I decided to go clean my house.

Safe option: very productive.

I had bought all kinds of products when I came so that wouldn't be an issue.

I put my favourite music playing on loudspeakers to give me that extra beat and the motivation to actually do something.

What would mum say if she saw me procrastinate? After all, now I was a strong independent woman, I'd have to behave like such.

I started with the bathroom. I cleaned everything top to bottom and made sure it smelled like a truck of lemons and citrus fruits just went past.

Just watch me mum, I'm going to put your house to shame!

After a few hours, I was exhausted and wanting my mum to tell me how she did it all in one single day. It was extremely fatigating.

As "Purple Rain" from Prince blasted through my phone, I went inside my room to start unpacking the rest of my stuff.

The phone rang, interrupting the song.

"Levi? What?" I said to myself confusedly, answering the phone. "Hey?"

"Just to remind you that you have to be here at 7, don't be late." I could almost feel the smile radiating from the phone.

My mouth slacked open. Just what time was it?

I looked at the clock and saw 18:30. Sh*t had I just spent 6 hours cleaning? That went fast, jeez.

"Don't worry, I won't," I said and hung up.

I needed to run for it.


As I got there, everyone was already getting started and they showed me which compartiment I was supposed to be in and what the drill was.

Ha-ha, I bet I'm going to love this.

I took a few breaths and went inside the bar. Got myself a drink and I was ready to go.

"This one's on me, go there and kick some a*s. Take it easy today though. Don't push yourself, this is a hard job." He stopped me with his index and middle finger on my shoulder, the rest of his hand holding his own drink, "This is your first day, don't expect too much." He gave me a sympathetic smile.

And I couldn't decide whether Iexpected too much or too little.

A/N: Howdy dudes, I'm trying to take this slowly (maybe a bit too slowly) but I'm making an effort here, so I hope you like it. Juicy stuff is about to come so keep reading to find out ;) *shamelessly selling myself*

Stay good peeps!

D. xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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