Chapter 1 - I want it that way

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I was slowly packing my bags, filling them with my books, toiletries, and clothes and of course vaseline. Vaseline because the place I was going was cold and my lips weren't very used to it.

 I was going to the university that was at least 10 hours away from my family and colder than my iced tea. Love it.

Honestly, it could be worse. I'm not even complaining. No.

"Mum, do you think I should pack some more sweaters? And jumpers?" I yelled, looking over my shoulder.

"Maybe, how cold do you think it gets in there?" She raised an eyebrow suggestively and I shrugged.

"I wouldn't know, never been somewhere that has -11 degrees in the winter."  I rolled my eyes and huffed. This was going to be a long journey.

"I feel like you could do with some tea?" She suggested, handing me a mug.

"Hum, you know how to read me just fine, Mrs Davies." I gave her my best, lopsided smirk and sat on the bed, which was recently made.

"I'm going to miss you, baby." Her voice slightly cracked on me as her arm slid on my shoulders when she hugged me sideways.

"Mum, can you not? I'm going to start crying too." I told her, turning my face not to see her tearing up.

"I'm not crying, it's just that my eyes are sweating. Just a wee bit, love." My mum shows her Scottish accent the best when she is sad. Which is kind of sad, actually."

"Yeah, right." I sighed.

What could I do? The woman just needed some reassurance. And I probably needed some too.


It was night, and I was in my small apartment. The window was enormous (something that greatly appealed to me) and it was getting a bit chilly. My wool sweater wasn't doing its job very well.

As I was positioned in the middle of my living room, I inhaled the sound of silence and the smell of new furniture.

To pay the enormous debt I was in, I'd have to work years.

I sat on the sofa and placed my chin on my palm.

What kind of job pays off really well and I can do alongside uni?

I thought about it for a bit. I wanted to be a nurse. It just called out to me. Something that was altruistic and generous and fit my personality. It paid really well, but 1. I need to finish university so it's a no and 2. It only rewards you after a few years in the job.

I went into an app to find jobs (I told my mum, I'd start doing as soon as possible, after all, I had my accommodation paid for but only the first semester. I needed to guarantee my stay and I had no money left over after paying this apartment and my other bills also needed money.

Adulting is hard.

Especially when you want to do everything by yourself. I always wanted and fought for my independence and now that I got it? I'm still happy, just stressed.

A few jobs came up and they paid very well, but I didn't have the right qualifications and others were just very physically demanding, and I need one part of my brain to go into university since the other is permanently sleeping.

Out of a sudden, my cousin popped up in my messenger.

Whaddup bish, how's u?

I'm fine, just got here 2  hours ago, it's currently midnight and I haven't unpacked shit, talk to me about procrastination, shista.

Lmao, I feel like Instagram is low key sending me suggestions to become a stripper.

Wait, what?

What followed was a single picture of a semi-naked woman on a pole, hugging it while her heels dangled from the floor. It was an ad for a strip club in my hometown. I could almost laugh at the irony.

Do you think I could become a stripper?

I think you can be anything, but I think you need to know that a triangle has 3 sides and not 4 at least, to be a stripper.

Sometimes I would enjoy shaving your eyebrows

Hah, I wish I could say the same, but I already shaved yours remember?

Gosh, that was a funny memory to have. It was the summer of 2016, and we were sleeping on the same bed and I had the marvellous idea of shaving her eyebrows while she slept, needless to say, she was never the same. Neither were her eyebrows.

Sometimes I crack myself up.

I put my phone charging and went to change into my PJs. There was a full body mirror in my bedroom, courtesy of my father, the most conceited man I've ever met. I swear to God I've never met anyone that enjoys looking to their own reflection like he does. It's a condition.

As I took off my clothes, my eyes wandered over my body and then to myself. My thighs were a bit chubby but my legs were quite slim, I've always been short, it doesn't bother me that much, living with 5" is doable.

My breasts gave me a lot of back pain tho, they were pretty heavy for a normal pair of tits, which I think it's utterly ridiculous but my genetics thought otherwise. Contrary to popular belief, big breasts are not such a great thing.

My stomach was flat but very soft and jiggly, and my arms had a bit of flabby tissue underneath them to which I liked to squeeze when I was bored.

I couldn't be a stripper, could I?

Then again, why not? It's about confidence and self-image and how you feel inside and out. I could do that. Especially now, that absolutely no one recognises me here, in this new town, it's like I have a brand new life.

Quickly getting interested in the topic, I grabbed my phone and unplugged it, and read some articled about what it's like to be a stripper. 

This was a joke, of course, I wouldn't actually become one.

I laughed at myself for being so silly and turned the phone off. I wanted to sleep in tomorrow.

I looked at my PJs, the shorts and very oversized t-shirt I was wearing almost covered the shorts, that reached mid-thigh. My face was pale and so was the rest of my skin. 

Yeah, definitely a stripper. I snorted.

I went to bed with that thought popping to my mind once again.

Why shouldn't I be a stripper, if I wanted it that way?

A/N: I'm probably going to hell for this...well, this was based on a convo I had a few days ago with a relative of mine, and no this absolutely does not mean I am a stripper in any way, I just had the idea and developed into a story :D

Hope you enjoy it!

D. xxx

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