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Diora Levers
2 weeks later...
I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Ta ran in the bathroom and held my hair in a ponytail. I throw up a little more amd Nae runs in the bathroom. "Di you okay?" She asks me. Does it look like I'm okay. "Yeah." I say getting some toilet paper to wipe my mouth. Nae walks out and Ta helps me up. He walks me to the room and lays me on the bed. "You okay baby?" Ta asked me. "No. I feel like I have to throw up." I said rolling on my side. He looked forward then walked out the room.
Keyonta Bullard
I walked out the room downstairs. "Ace I think she might be pregnant." Nae said looking at her phone. I felt happy. "For real?" I asked her. "Yeah she wouldn't be throwing up then." She said fixing her bonnet. I ran upstairs. "Baby you pregnant." I said to her. "I kinda already knew Ta." She saud huggung me. I kissed her and set her down. I can't believe we bout ta have a baby. I pulled out my phone and started recording her. "Who baby momma you is?" She smiled then covered her face. "Ta stop." I stopped it and posted it. She got up and went down stairs. I turned the t.v. on and watched IT. She came up stairs with two bags of Doritos in her hands and two Gatorade's in each side of her pants. I busted out laughing and she smiled. "Wait wait. Don't sit down yet." She sighed and I recorded her. "Baby why you do that?" I asked her laughing. "Cause I wanted this. Move Ta." She said getting mad. I stopped and set my phone down. She opened one bag and I took it. She pumched my arm and took one of the Gatorade's out her pants. I laid down and tried to go to sleep. "Baby I'm sorry don't go to sleep." She said sitting on me. I didn't answer back. "Come on Ta." She said bouncing on me. "Fuck you then." She saud getting up. That's when I felt her feet kick my back and I fell off the bed. "What's on ya biscuit Diora?" I said not getting up. She laughed and went in the bathroom.
Diora Levers
I run in the bathroom and hide in the closest. He walks in the bathroom and I put a hand over my mouth. He opens the door and pulls me out. I start laughing abd he picks me up and throws me on the bed. He tickles me. "Ta I have to pee." I say still luaghing. He doesn't stop. "Ta for real I have to pee." I say trying to make him stop. I push him off and say "Ta I gotta pee." I go in the bathroom and pee. I wipe myself and wash my hands. I walk in the room and see him on his house arrest phone. I sat on the bed and listened. "Ight...Okay...Thank you." He set the thing down and looked at me. "What they say?" I asked him worried. "They said my probation ends in 2 months." He said seeming not happy. "Oh. That mean we can go places." I said jumping on him. He laid back and we just laid there until I got hungry. "Babe can you go downstairs and get me something to eat please?" I asked him. "Yeah. Whatchu want?" What do I want? "Anything and a Gatorade." I asked him. I picked up my phone and dialed a number I never thought I would.

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