Part 1 (1 of before the dream)

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It was summer holidays, I was home alone and bored. My family had gone to the mall but I decided to stay home, I'm more of an indoor person. I took a bath,put on sweater pants and long-sleeve T-shirt. I knew It was summer but I hate showing off my thighs and arms. I locked the house doors.As I was on my way to the gate I heard a voice yelling out my name. I looked closely at the gate to see my friend waving at me. I was so happy to see her. I ran and gave her a big hug then we looked at each other and laughed. She was wearing shorts,flip-flops and a shirt that showed off her belly.
'What are those?' I asked her.

' What do you mean when you saying those?' she says showing goofy actions.

I replied with laughing:" I mean your clothes dummy".

'Oh you mean this?,don't act like you don't know these clothes because you do. I know you do' she answered.

'I know but why are you wearing them on such a hot day?' I asked her.

She replied with confidence:" Exactly,cause it's a hot day. You look stupid wearing those pants and long-sleeve T-shirt".

I just looked at her confused.

'There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing but rather what you're wearing. It's summer yo' she said.

'But there's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing,you sort of look naked' I replied.

She walked towards me,puts her hand on my shoulder and said:" thing is it's hot and so am I".

I laughed at her and said:"really?".

We started walking down the street. We stop at the corner and she said:"dude you're weird,show off some skin,embrace it".

'No thanks' I replied.

'Exactly!You are too uptight' she said.

'Not wearing mini clothes that don't fit me doesn't make me uptight' I responded.

'It does ,You look like an 85 year old woman' she replied.

'No it doesn't' I said while rolling my eyes.

We started yelling until we reached the corner. We both kept quiet (moment of silence). We look at each other.

'To the park' I said.

'Okay,let's go' I replied.

When we got to the park,we found a spot and sat there. We began to talk about a soapie we both love. A few minutes later,a group of boys showed up. They were about 5,they stood right in front of us.One of them asked for them to join us and all of a sudden my friend yelled yes quickly. The group of boys sat with us,my friend and one of the boys were eyeing each other. I think I was the only one who saw it. It was weird(well for me). She was biting her lips and the guy was winking. One of the boys received a call and they all had to leave but before they left,my friend exchanged digits with the guy she was eyeing. We also left and went home. My friend couldn't stay any longer because her sister was coming for the holidays and she was so happy to see her.As a good friend I understood her and we parted.

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