Diwali special

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"oh my god DON'T EAT THAT FUCKING SWEET TAE THAT IS FOR--oh fuck you Kim Taehyung." Candy yelled but before she could go and save those sweets, Taehyung already savoured a piece of coconut barfi in his mouth as he looked at her in shock.

" Candy yelled but before she could go and save those sweets, Taehyung already savoured a piece of coconut barfi in his mouth as he looked at her in shock

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"They were for what?" He asked but due to his full mouth, it all came as incoherent muffled sounds. Candy rolled her eyes and sighed as she ignored him and walked inside the kitchen, but he obediently followed her like a puppy.

"Sri, guess you have to make a new plate of sweets

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"Sri, guess you have to make a new plate of sweets. He ate from that plate which was meant for puja." She said as Srishti looked at him in disbelief and whined.

"Don't worry. We'll prepare the new one." Seokjin said as Taehyung smiled and Jin put the dish in the serving plate. Being the eldest, Jin decided to host this year's party at his and Sri's house and everyone came up to help.

"Ovi! Stay still. You're looking perfect." Jimin said as Ovi just chuckled and put on the Diya on the corner.

"Jimin, I'm just putting the candles! Stop clicking pictures and help me." She said as Jimin shook his head. He couldn't help but look again and again as Ovi looked beautiful in her dress.

 He couldn't help but look again and again as Ovi looked beautiful in her dress

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"Well, I love conserving art. So here is what I love to do the most." He said sweetly as Ovi blushed under his gaze and put the Diya on the corner of the glass door.

Spontaneity- One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora