Chapter 2

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Near sat in the middle of the hall,like always, watching and observing everything around him. I made sure that Me and Mello sat away from him. I didn't want this meal time to end like some of the others have. I also didn't really want to clean up the floors again. I had nothing to do with what happened usually,but I always end up being blamed with him. Probably because I'm such great friends with him. I never leave his side. I turned to face Mello. His eyes were almost sparkling because of the light draping through the window. He smiled at me and I felt as if the room was spinning. The loud cries and screams from the others were drowned out into the background. Everything around me was almost blurred. Except him. He flicked his hair back and leant closer to me. I closed my eyes and leant in too. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I opened my eyes to see the dark room around me. The shouting was heard and no sun was shining. Rain was falling hardly against the window. "Oi! Matt! Are you even listening!?" I realised that I must of been daydreaming again. "Oh for gods sake Matt! Get your head out of the clouds!" I sighed. "Now come on,the queue's gone down a bit..." We both got up and picked up trays. I waited quietly at the back. I could tell Mello was getting impatient as he was tapping his foot on the wooden floor. After we received our meal we returned back to our seats. I picked up my fork and started to eat whilst Mello stared at his in utter disgust. "How can you eat this crap?" He stared at me. I chuckled and playfully punched his arm. "Oh lighten up its not that bad is it?" He shot a slight glare at me. I stopped talking and looked down at

My food. Mello flicked his into the bin behind and pulled the chocolate bar out of his boot. "Is that all you eat? Chocolate? You should've at least ate a bit of what they gave you..."

"You know I can't stand that..."

"Probably because it's really shouldn't eat so much chocolate without eating something good for don't want to get fat do you?" He hit me quite harshly in the arm. He pulled up his top a little more to show his full chest. His....beautifully shaped chest....wait....damn mind. "Look, I'm thin as anything so its good that I'm eating all this...besides I do exercise...unlike you who just sits on your ass playing games..."

"Oh really since when have you exercised..."

"Outside just now"

"Pfft...that's hardly-" I stopped. I knew that if I kept this up an argument would arise,which would swiftly turn into a fight. He turned away from me and bit off a piece of the chocolate. I eat the rest of my food in silence.

(Haven't thought of a name) MattxMello fanficWhere stories live. Discover now