Chapter 58 - The God Complex, Part 1

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Lyssa shuddered and stepped closer to Amy and Rory as the Doctor continued his interrogation. "But now you're, what? Cooked?"

"If you like," Joe said complacently. "Soon you will be, too. Be patient. First... find your room."

"My... room?" the Doctor asked slowly.

"There's a room here for everyone, Doctor" Joe assured him. "Even you."

 Lyssa flinched, and his eyes swung to her, his grin becoming slightly more manic. "You've found it, haven't you? Your room?"

Lyssa shrunk in on herself as everyone turned to her with worried eyes. "I haven't gone inside."

"But you've seen it, haven't you?" Joe pressed. "Felt the urge to go inside. And when you finally do..." he smiled blissfully. "You finally understand. Everything becomes so much more clear."

"You said you'd seen the light," the Doctor interrupted, watching Joe with narrowed eyes.

Joe nodded eagerly. "Nothing else matters anymore. Only him. It's like these things. I used to hate them! They make me laugh now." He laughed. "Gottle o' geer! Gottle o' geer!" He laughed again, the creep factor upping when the dummies all opened their mouths and joined him. "You should go. He'll be here soon."

The Doctor gave him a thin smile before standing up. Joining the group, he turned to Howie and Rory. "Can you two look for a hand dolley? I think Joe needs to come with us for our little trip." He waited until the two had moved further into the room before turning to Lyssa with worried eyes. "You said you'd found your room."

Lyssa crossed her arms uncomfortably and stared down at the floor. "I didn't go inside, if that's what you're asking. I meant what I said."

"But that's not what I was asking," he said gently. "What did you feel? How did you know it was your room?"

She frowned. "I don't know. I guess I just... There was something about it that just seemed to draw my attention. I knew something was behind it, and to find out what it was, all I had to do was open it. I was going to. Had my hand on the handle and everything. Then I heard the monster growl again and took off. I really didn't want to, though. Almost turned back, in fact, until I heard the others and got scared again. I hid in a random room, and we all know how well that turned out." She rolled her eyes.

The Doctor frowned thoughtfully, not losing his train of focus when Rory and Howie came back with a dolley. Sliding the dolley under Joe's chair, he tilted it back and wheeled Joe towards the door. "I think you should come with me," he told the man quietly.


After several tense minutes - not at all helped by Joe's occasional outbursts into laughter - they were back in Reception, the elevator music still going strong as they gather around the counter.

"Why you four?" the Doctor complained. "That's what I don't understand. Aside from all the other things I don't understand," he added, shutting off the music.

"What does it matter?" Gibbis protested. "Sooner or later, someone will come along and rescue us. Or enslave us."

"First, we find the TARDIS," the Doctor decided, ignoring him. "Quick thing before we go. If you feel drawn to a particular room, do not go in, and make sure someone else can see you at all times."

Rita held up a hand. "Joe said 'he' will feast. And Lyssa mentioned something about a growl. Is there something here with us?"

Joe laughed.

"Something to add, Joe?" the Doctor asked in a cool voice.

Joe smiled and began to sing. "Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head. Chop, chop, chop, chop." He burst into laughter once more.

Lost In Time: A Doctor Who FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora