Chapter 58 - The God Complex, Part 1

Start from the beginning

Her eyes dropped, and she rubbed her injured arm uncomfortably. "Fine. How about we find whoever made this place then, so that we can get out of here?"

"That's an excellent plan, but I'm going to look you over and take care of a few things first," he informed her. Pulling out his sonic screwdriver, he turned it on and ran it over her arm until the cut had faded to a thin line, informing her that that was as much as he could do with the sonic. 

He then proceeded to scan the rest of her, before doing the same to the bruise on her wrist and forehead and offering her a small peppermint, telling her it would help complete the healing process and give her some energy. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but... what happened to Lyssa?" A new male voice broke into the conversation, and Lyssa turned with a smile to see Rory and Amy standing awkwardly behind the Doctor. 

"Rory! Amy!" she exclaimed happily, waving at them from behind the Doctor. "It's been a while since I've seen you last! Although I think it's been longer for Rory than Amy."

"Ah yes. Should we match up, then, fairy-girl?" the Doctor asked her easily, slipping the sonic back into his pocket. "I'm going to hazard a guess and say my future, as I don't remember seeing you wearing these clothes before."

"That's probably because I'm going to burn them as soon as I get the chance," Lyssa muttered, glancing down at the cobwebs scattered around her black pantsuit with a grimace. "And yes. Future. Far future. Before that, I think it was... Satellite Five? With Adam? Sorry, memories are still a bit blurry. Um... I think the last time I saw you and Amy was...." 

She tilted her head as she tried to think. "Daleks? With Churchill? And then the last time I saw Rory was with the Siren." The Doctor tensed at her words, and she hastened to clarify them. "The Siren who was actually a doctor, or whatever. Some medical program on a pirate ship." 

The trio nodded in comprehension, but they were the only ones.

"Sorry, I'm not going to pretend I followed all of that - in fact, I don't think I understood most of it, but we should really probably keep going," Rita interrupted, Gibbis standing nervously behind her. "We need to get back to Joe."

"Joe. Yes. You mentioned him before," the Doctor agreed, spinning around to face her and draping an arm around Lyssa's shoulders. "You said he was tied up. What's he doing?"

"No, I mean... he's actually tied up," Rita explained awkwardly. "He's in the dining room."


Five minutes later, they were all entering the hotel dining room. It had the same theme as the others, but seated at every table was a ventriloquist dummy, identical to all the others. They were all laughing eerily, heads bobbing as their heads turned to the open door. 

A man in a business suit sat tied to one of the chairs next to a dummy, laughing along with them. They all stopped laughing as soon as the Doctor entered the room, the others following slowly behind him.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor," the Doctor said cautiously. 

Joe smiled dreamily. "You're going to die here."

The Doctor raised his eyebrows. "Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure. Is Joe there? Can I have a quick word?" he asked, taking a seat opposite the madman.

"Oh, it's still me, Doctor, but I've seen the light," Joe assured him. "I lived a blasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon... he shall feast."

 The Doctor nodded slowly. "Right. Well, you've been here two days already. What's he waiting for?"

"We weren't ready. We were still raw," Joe explained, still in that dreamy tone of voice. 

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