Chapter 16- Leaving

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Author's Note:  Yes two chapters on the same day!! I really think my amazing fans deserve it. I'm so very sorry for going MIA on you guys. I've just been dealing with some issues with myself and getting motivation to do anything has been near impossible. 

Some people call it a bump in the road others say being stuck in a rut. My Aunt kindly called it depression (note sarcasm) but whatever it is I decided I have to get myself out of it and I can't abandon you guys because of it so I decided to double dose ya.

Thanks to those who have stuck with me. I really do love you guys.




I feel disoriented, dizzy, as strong arms seem to be encircled around me but for the life of me I can't recall how I got in them. I try to focus, to take in my surroundings, when it suddenly hits me. The conversation wtih my father, with both of them. My eyes fly open, having not realized that they were closed, and I begin to register the fact that I'm in some strangers arms. I struggle, hard, kicking my legs and pushing up against a hard chest before a voice floats through my terrified daze. 

"Matilda calm down" I hear but I only struggle harder at the deep tember "Ouch will you stop Jeez" The voice registers and I look up as his face blocks the blinding rays of the sun, his jet black hair falling into his darker eyes. 

"Eric!" I shriek and once again try to pus him away. "What the hell?!"

"I could ask you the same question." He says with a sigh, his breath fanning my face. "You didn't even make it a block and you fainted. What happened?" I feel myself pale, his words finally getting through the rest of the fuzz and I curse my stupidity for leaving myself so vulnerable. What would have happened if it wasn't Eric's arms that I woke up to?

"Put me down I have to call my Dad" I say firmly, refusing to answer him. He hesitates until I give him a stern look at he places me gently on my feet. He keeps his arms tightly around my waist but I look up at him and glare.

"I can manage you can let me go." I instantly regret my tone and the look I'm shooting him when I unsteadily wooble on my feet almost colliding with the concrete all over again as he lets me go.

"Okay putting you down is not a good idea." He says obviously ignoring my hostile tone. He reaches for me again but I quickly swat him away. 

"I'm fine Just give me a sec" I rub my temples, taking deep theraputic breaths, before looking at Eric's outstretched hand where my phone is. "Thanks" I say as I call my father back. He answers on the first ring. 

"Matty?" He screeches, panic clear in his voice.

"Yea. I'm sorry the call disconnected." I say while avoiding catching Eric's eye as I lie. 

"I'm coming to get you" He promptly says as rummaging is heard from his side. 

"No it's ok meet me at the hospital. I'm heading that way."

"Matilda Emily Turner you will wait for me where you are and that is final" He says in a serious, fatherly tone even as I cringe at his use of my full name. 

"Dad seriously just meet me there"

"Tell me where you are right now?"

"The hospital?" I state but it come out more as a question at the squeak in my voice. I hear my father huff before a door loudly slams on his side of the line. 

"We are going to have a long discussion about this later." 

"Okay" I say and hang up pulling the phone away from my ear and staring blankly at the black screen. 

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