Chapter 18- Her Father

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Author's note: So Obviously I did not post it when I said I would but at least I was honest and said that it wasn't a guarentee. I want to finish this story soon but truthfully by the looks of it it's just not gonna happen that way which I'm totally okay with.

I wanna say that I'm super sorry for leaving this on the back burner I mean most of the stuff I'm writing is actually getting re-written from stuff I already wrote months ago. Do Not Hate Me because of that information but at least you know you aint getting anything shitty. 

@whatsthefuninsanity I'm fairly certain people are getting tired of me mentioning you but fuck it here's your chapter. Be greatful Anya lol (I know that's not how you spell it but I totally deboed the part from the movie Anastacia, ya know? I hope you do cuz the joke would be really lame if you don't, btw it's a part she says when leaving the orphanage.. Oh crap you don't know do you?)

Behold the show



Pain laces through my temple. I moan outloud from the pain of it and try to take a look at my surroundings but it's too blurry to get any distingushable shapes. Everything into a blurry mess of shadows as my eyes try to focus. I try to move my body only to feel a material scrap at my wrist, when I got to scream I realize that a smelly bandana is stuffed into my mouth, the smell making me gag. I tug at my bindings and look up to finally focus on a thick brown rope looped around my wrist and attached to a metal frame. But thats all I can focus on and the panic starts to rise in my chest. Where the hell am I? 

Finally some of the blurriness subsides and I look to the bed to see the filthy sheest, dark shades of something covering the material. I move my head to my right see Eric tied up in the same way as me but still very much unconscious. What is he doing here? I ask myself as another wave of panic settles in me. Did I drag him into my family drama? Oh my God what have I done?

I try to form some sort of scream to get his attention, to wake up, anything but soon my efforts get tiring and I slump agaisnt into the hard mattress. 

It seems like forever that I'm laying there when I hear the shuffle of what sound like feet but soon that sound fades into another eerie silence. I try nudging Eric this time but still he's not responding and I start getting worried. Was he dead? But the rise and fall of his chest confirmed he wasn't so I try another nudge only to get nothing. 

Still no one comes, no more sounds cut through the air, and I'm left contemplating who did this, shaking uncontrolablly, who wants to hurt me again. The worst possible scenerios play in my head like a horror movie and I can do is shake, not being able to fall into the oblivion of sleep as eaisly as the still unconcious Eric. I almost Envy him as he lays there.

The hours seem to slip by in such a slow torture as light filters in from a high window that I only just now noticed. A window, I noticed, too high for anyone to escape from. When the light finally starts hitting the bed Eric makes a groaning noise through the same Identical gag that is my mouth. His eyes fly open, wide and terror filled, as he looks about the room. His body starts shaking, worse than even mine, as footsteps resound from outside a wooden door directly in front of the filty bed. 

Eric looks at me then, his eyes wide with horror, pleading with me as guilt flits past his expression. The footsteps stop and still Eric pleads something to me with his eyes, something I just can't understand causing my heart to palpate unconformtably. The door's lock clicks and in steps an older man. Eric's reaction is instantanious, so quick I cringe, as he cowers into the bed, moving as far away from the man as possible though the man still stands at the doorway. 

"Hello" The man's voice rich and deep, a southern gentlemanly drawl, so familair my eyebrows furrow, and steps into the light. If I could have gasped I would have. his features pierced right through me. His hair was a salt and pepper white, a few wrinkles along the edges of his eyes and the smile of his lips. The skin of his face saged ever so slightly but his body was wide, built like a retired football player that still hit the gym, the tight thread of muscele showing through his sharp suit. But that wasn't what had made me want to gasp. No not at all. It was his eyes that made me wish I was dead because they were the same color as mine and his face was so kind looking I wanted to weep. This is exactly what my brother, Lucas, would look like as an older man, of that I was sure. 

"Welcome to my home Matilda." He says with a gentle smile and then looks over at Eric "Welcome back Eric" I look over at Eric in shock but his eyes are averted and he won't look at me. 

"Let me be the one to formally introduce you Matilda" The man continues and an evil glint enters his eyes as he looks at me, "to your cousin or if you pefer your nephew" I look away from Eric to look at the man in horror as he cackles in a horribly sinister way. 

"Don't look so surprised my sweet little Matilda. You might not believe me with those dark looks of his but I can assure you this fellow right here is part of the family." He cackles again as I feel my face pale and my stomach quake. "Maybe I should tell that precious father of yours that unbeknowst to him he had sex with his half sister and in result created this little mut right here" He continues, his southern drawl thick with amusement, as he points a slender finger at Eric who stil won't look at me. "So It turns out you kissed a first cousin but in your case your nephew as well" My stomach rolls, from not only the things he was saying but also of the fact that he knows of the kiss shared between me and Eric. He finally walks into the room causing Erick to cringe further inot the bed.

"By the way don't be fooled by Eric's reaction he knew the whole time who you were." My heart plummets at his words as the thick knife of betrayel hits me. I look over at him but still he doesn't look at me or at anything. The man gives him a cold stare.

"You thought you escaped me didn't you? you and that worthless mother of yours" and with an agility I didn't know he could posses for what I guessed was he age he was at Eric's beside smacking him soundly across the face. "You and your mother are nothing but a bunch of spicks" He breathes and surprise takes ahold of me again. Spicks? Impossible besides his dark hair and eyes you would never guess he had any othe heritage except cocasian. The man looks over at me and gives me an apologitic smile that has me wanting to cry. 

"Sorry about that child. Well anyway where was I?" He asks me and then taps his chin. "Oh yes well I just wanted to introduce myself to you Matilda. I'm Lloyd Baxtor Yale and I am your father. And this pathetic excuse for a human" He sneers looking at Eric. "Is my grandson but also my spy. but it seems as though he's detering from my plans." He cackles again. "Remember who you belong to" He says leaning into Eric's face, spittle falling from his lips. Eric shakes his head back and forth, tears threatening to fall from his dark eyes. "I provide everything for you and leave you in peace and this is how you repay me" Another smack. "Remember who your master is" 

Eric cringes away, looking dangerously close to pissing himself and I'm sure I have the same expression on my face. 

"Now that I have reminded you" He says and gives me a warm stare. "I should bring down your mother, she's been dying to see ya, it's been far too long" And he sounds so nice, his southern drawl so charming I almost believe he's a good man but reality sets in because the truth was he wasn't. He was far from it. 

I shake my head frantically, wishing I didn't feel so helpless, wishing I was far away from this man and a mother I had no want to meet. 

"Oh dear your absolutely right" He says with a delightful gleam in his eyes. "I almost forgot Eric's punishment." He clasps his hands together and a silent scream  breaks free from Eric's throat as Lloyd moves towards him, the bandana swallowing up the noise. "Now now son you knew the consquences, hiding the truth from wasn't very wise." And fear causes tears to streak down Eric's beautiful face at Lloyds nearness. He unties the knots from the metal from, the ones holding Eric, but keeps them tied to his wrists and then drags him off the bed to the foot of the bed. 

"Stand tall boy" Lloyd snaps but Eric continues to cower his body shaking uncntrollably, even though he could have easily taken this old man. That's when it hits me that he's just as psychologically damaged as I had been with Lucas. Lloyd grabs a knife from a side table, bringing it up to Eric's shirt, and my eyes widen in fear just before he rips through the matierial of Eric's shirt letting it drop in a heap on the floor. An inaudible sob escapes me as Eric's whole torso is illuminated in the morning light. Scars, old and new, cover him like a full body tattoo, deep, ugly and gruesome. So unbeautiful on his perfect mily skin. My breaths come heavy in and out of my nose. 

"No lashes today" Lloyd draws causing Eric to visibly relax before the next words cause him to stiffen again. "On your knees." 

With little hesitation Eric complys the bandana falling away from his face and he makes no attmepts to scream. "Open up" Lloyd comands grabbing ahold of Eric's chin and I look away, tears falling down my cheeks, bile rising up and pressing up against the bandana around my face. And it hits me then that I will never unhear the gags and slurps nor the replusive moans carrying themselves around the small room.

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