This place is a nightmare.

Louis continued crying as he reached the hospital's parking lot. He quickly opened his car and once he closed the door he screamed so loud he thought he was going to explode.

How could this happen?

How is it that things escalate this fast?

Louis just saw Harry's smile this morning and tonight a doctor was telling him that Harry was in a coma?

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!" Louis screamed and repeatedly punched the stirring wheel. He grabbed his pocket and let out his keys and started his car's engine.

He was about to drive off to God knows where but then he caught a glance at his phone.

He opened his phone and Harry's smiling face dimples showing was Louis' lock screen. Louis wiped out his eyes taking in a big sigh.

"I love you so much, Harry. I couldn't lose you. Not now. Not ever! Please don't give up" Louis choked out a sob "P-Please baby..." Louis' tears were streaming down his face "I-I'm so sorry I wasn't t-there..."

Louis felt stupid at that moment because instead of being with Harry in his hospital room, he was inside his car crying and talking to Harry's picture.

But could you blame him?

The love of his life has only 50% chance of living. They are supposed to get married in 5 days. But yet, his groom was laying down at a hospital bed, lifeless.

Louis stared into the empty parking lot as he contemplated on his next move.

Harry needs him.

Harry needs Louis to be strong for him.

But yet, here he is crying his self out.

Louis took a glance at his self on his rearview mirror. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying his fringe was messy because he keeps on strangling himself. His face is death.



Louis bowed down and let out a quiet sob.

But then he remembered something. Harry and Louis was a team. It was right that there was no Louis without a Harry. Hence, there is no Harry without a Louis.

Louis immediately took his keys and got out of his car and locked it. He sprinted his way back into the hospital. With a loud sigh, he reached the front desk and asked the lady again.

"Uhm. Is Harry Styles in his room now?"

The girl at the desk gave him a sweet smile before looking at her computer checking the room number "Yes, he is. He's currently in the ICU room 28."

Louis smirked.

Right. 28.

Could fate be more bitchy right now?

He ran into the ICU and immediately saw Liam and Niall walking out of Harry's room. He gulped as he approached the boys.

"How's he doing?" Louis asked in a raspy voice.

Liam looked at Niall and then looked at Louis instead "The doctor said that he's stable for now. Harry may be in coma for days or.... Even months." Louis flinched at what Liam just said "But we're hoping that he's going to wake up soon. The doctor said that Harry's responding well with the treatments, and that's a good sign."

Louis smiled weakly.

"Harry's strong, Louis. He can do this." Niall said.

"Thank you, lads. I'm sorry if I snapped at you awhile ago. I wasn't really feeling right. Hell, I wouldn't feel alright unless Harry wakes up. But thank you. Especially for coming over here." Louis said sincerely.

"Not a big thing, mate! Harry's like a brother to us! Of course we'd be here in a heartbeat" Niall said.

"But I think it's better if you'd go inside. The doctor said that sometimes people in a coma can still hear you. Try talking to him, Lou. Maybe you could encourage him to wake up. You make Harry strong, right?" Liam said smiling.

Louis tried to smile "Yeah, alright."

"We'll just gonna get some food to eat, okay? We'll buy you some too." Liam continued

Louis just nodded and waved goodbye at his friends. Once the lads were out of his sight Louis took in a big puff of breath. He turned around and grabbed the doorknob twisting it open.

The beeping of the machines were the only sound evident in the room.

Louis almost fell into his knees as he caught a sight of his fiancé.

Harry was laying there bandages all over his body. His skin was pale, even his lips. There was a tube connecting to his mouth sending him oxygen and all in all his precious Harry looked so vulnerable. So lifeless. Louis almost let out a sob but then he remembered what Liam said. That Louis made Harry strong. So Louis slowly made his way to Harry's bed. He was biting his lower lip to avoid crying. His heart was breaking into pieces seeing Harry in this state. He kneeled down next to Harry and carefully took his hands that was free from the IV.

Louis could feel the coldness of Harry's hands and he immediately warmed them by kissing the back of it. Tears were tempting to fall from Louis' eyes but when he rubbed his fingers on Harry's back hand he couldn't resist not crying. Harry's hands were cold and lifeless. It wasn't warm like it used to be, it didn't react and didn't lace Louis' fingers like Harry normally would.

"Hi Hazza." Louis said in his soft voice. His tone was trembling as tears escape from his eyes. "I hope you can hear me, the doctor said that sometimes people in a coma could hear from the outside." Louis sniffed "I miss you so much, baby. Please wake up" Louis' tears were streaming down his face "Please..." the words seemed to sound like a choke because he was really sobbing hard "I can't imagine my life without you, Harry. I'm sorry if I didn't get to answer your calls awhile ago. I shouldn't have slept. I knew something bad would happen today, I shouldn't have let you go." Louis wiped his face with his other hand and continued talking. "Baby, I know you're strong. So please wake up for me? Please fight, okay? This isn't the time to give up. We have so many plans remember? We were even gonna fix that fookin' roof of ours" Louis smiled as he remembered Harry whining about how odd the color of their roof is and he always wanted to change the color of it "I love you so much, Harry. I'm here. I'll always be here. Please be strong, I know you can do it." Louis stood up properly and kissed Harry's cold forehead. A knock was heard on the door and as it opened a crying Anne emerged together with Gemma trying to calm her down.

"H-Harry...Oh god..." Anne said her whole face still in shock as she approach his son, Gemma following from behind.

Gemma gave Louis a sad smile as he reciprocated the gesture and hugged Gemma as he let Gemma cry on his shoulders.

Quiet sobs and cries and the continuous beeping of the machines that are connected to Harry were the only evident noise heard inside the hospital room. Gemma and Louis made their way to Anne's side and tried comforting her.

"I already spoke to the doctor. I'm so sorry Lou..." Anne said in her raspy voice.

Louis shook his head "No, I am sorry. I was supposed to pick up Harry from his event but I didn't noticed the time and I slept. I should've been there. This shouldn't have happened."

"Hey, hey... shh okay? It's no one's fault. It was an accident, okay? I know Harry is strong. I know that he can do this. He'll survive." Anne said and hugged Louis tightly which made Louis cry even more because he's really torn up now and the person who usually puts his pieces back together is now laying on a hospital bed.

Things will get better. He thought.

It was hard seeing Harry in this state much less accept the fact that he'll stay like this for a long time.

But all they could do now is wait for a miracle. And hope that he'll see Harry's green eyes and dimpled smile once again.


Author's Note:

I'll update this story next week again! Or maybe sooner? It depends hehe J

Let me know your opinions about this story! Comment down belowww!

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