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and once again, he stood her up.

taehee had prepared a whole ass dinner, she set the table with a dark red and gold tablecloth and with the fanciest sliver wear she had - which it was gifted to them when they moved in together into an apartment. she set it all in the dining room and also decided to be cliché and threw some fake rose petals onto the table and some on the floor.

she dressed the knee-length navy dress that she wore on the day he asked her to be his girlfriend and that he loved so much, along with some nude heels. her makeup was as simples as always but decided to give it a change with a bordeaux lipstick.

she had everything ready to be a perfect night.

but he didn't show up.

he said he would be home at eight. it was in that moment midnight and something and he wasn't home.

but she knew where he was. she knew where he was every night before he came home. he was with her. doing things only they know about.

she knew about her boyfriend's unfaithfulness for a while now but she never did anything about it. people would tell her she has to leave him and she knows she has too. but she never has the courage to do so, that driving her insane.

every time he comes home, she has the breakup speech ready but every time he apologizes and kisses her cheek softly, it looks like all the anger goes away. she feels like it's the first day of their relationship when he actually loved her and did not cheat on her. when everything was hearts and rainbows and their relationship was considered perfect from their family and friends. when she was truly happy. she doesn't know what kind of spell he has her in but it's a kind that she can't break.

she sat on the couch, shoes were thrown to the other side of the room and her makeup was all smudged, mascara covered most of her under eye and lipstick was barely even on her lips anymore. the tv was on for more than 4 hours because she thought that was the best way for the time to pass by while she waited for her boyfriend. but as soon as the clock turned nine o'clock and after a few calls, her attention drifted from the tv. tears started to fall and her head started hurting. it was at that moment she decided, she needs to break up with him. as much as she loves him, she can't let him play with her feelings.

she heard the jiggling from the keys outside the door as one was inserted on the lock. he was home. she stood from the couch cleaning her face with her hands and decided to start cleaning up what she left on the table. she picked up the plates and took them to the kitchen, placing them on the counter next to the sink. as she turned on the water to heat it up, she felt his arms wrap around her waist and his lips placing a kiss on the back of her head. "what are you doing up so late?" his sweet voice sounded, "and so well dressed?" his hands left her waist and traveled all the way of her curves.

"I was waiting for you," she answered continuing to wash the dishes and avoiding eye contact with him. "It's our birthday today remember? you said you'd be home at eight, so I wanted to surprise you with dinner."

"taehee, I'm so sorry." he placed his hand on hers, causing her to stop what she was doing. "I had so much work that I forgot. I had to stay there until now finishing the paperwork for..."

"can you please stop?" she raised her voice. she dropped the plate on the sink and turned to find a very confused minho in front of her. "can you please just stop lying to me? minho, I know you weren't at work! I called woojin and he said you left early today!"

"taehee, I'm sorry. just let me explain..." he stepped forward making her step back. "love..."

"don't call me that!" she raised her voice even more startling minho. she took a deep breath and looked down to the tiled floor. "you were with her, weren't you?"


"just answer me!" he stayed quiet. she already knew the answer. his silence said it all. "alright then, I'm going to bed. you can take the couch tonight."

she left the kitchen without letting him respond. she reached the bedroom and just laid down on the bed, not caring about the dress or the makeup. she already had so much to think about that all that she wanted at that moment, was sleep away her problems.

in the kitchen, minho sat down on the barstool supporting his head on his hands. his mind was blank as his gaze was stuck on the marble kitchen island. he couldn't think at that moment. he got up from the barstool and left the kitchen, walking up to the bedroom. he saw her laying on the bed, still with her dress on. he climbed over to the bed next to her, after grabbing one of his shirts from the wardrobe. he started zipping off her dress causing her to wake up.

"what are you doing?" she asked and minho took his hands away from the zipper.

"that dress looks uncomfortable, so I was going to dress you in my shirt." 

she didn't say a thing. she just sat on the bed with her back turned to him and dodged her hair from her back. minho understood her actions and came close to her, continuing zipping her dress. he took the dress off and dressed her in his shirt. he stood from the bed and walked to the side of the bed where she was turned to. "come with me." he held out his hand. she hesitated at first but then just gave in and held his hand. he guided her to the bathroom. "sit on the toilet." she sat on the toilet as minho searched from something on the cabinets. he took off her makeup remover and some cotton disks. he wet the disk with the liquid and walked over to taehee crouching in front of her and started to take off her makeup. he started wiping the black mascara trail on her cheeks caused by the tears and her foundation all over her face. "I'm sorry taehee. I really am," he said as he started wiping her smudged lipstick. she silently looked at his every move. "close your eyes." he asked after getting another cotton disk with the remover. she closed her eyes and he took off the eyeshadow and as much mascara as he could without hurting her. "done."

"thank you," she whispered getting up from the toilet. she reached the cotton disks and started to take off the remained mascara on her lashes. minho got up from his crouched position and walked to her, standing behind her. he just observed what she was doing. "what?"

"you're beautiful."

"yes sure."

"taehee, please."

"no minho. you made your choice a while back and now I'm making mine." she dropped the disk on the little trash bin. "I'm going to bed."

she left the bathroom to the bedroom and minho followed her. "I'll end everything with her! just don't leave me," he muttered the last part. she stopped walking and minho approached her. "I'm serious. I love you taehee, more than you know." he cupped her cheeks breaking her gaze from the empty wall. "look at me please." her eyes met his and she could see tears beginning to form in his eyes. "don't leave me." he decreased the space between their faces more and more each second that went by until their lips met.

and once again, she wasn't able to break the spell.


{this story's only going to have two or three chapters (still debating on a third one tho) but I hope you enjoy it!

and obviously, I would never think that minho would cheat on someone, (to be honest, I think he'd be the sweetest boyfriend) but that's why this is called fanfiction, right?

anyways, I hope you had/have the best day!}

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