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(Harry's POV)

"BLAISE, BLAISE, THESE TWO ARE LITERALLY THE PERFECT COUPLE MASCOT FOR SLYTHERIIIN!!!" Pansy screeched, jumping up and down, flailing her arms like a bird, which was all very random.
"What?!?" Blaise questioned, looking over at us, "He's not even Slytherin!!"
"But just look at them!!" Pansy screamed, pointing to us, now that she'd calmed down a bit, "His eyes are silver, and his are green, Slytherin colors!! They're like, the most powerful students in our year, too!! AND THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE TOGETHEEER!!!!"
"Well now that you mention it," Blaise laughed, Draco and I joining in as well.
"But before you make it completely public I'd like to introduce Draco to some of my Gryffindor friends," I told Pansy, standing.
"Alright," she admitted, "I suppose that's fair,"
Walking over to the door I grabbed Draco's hand, taking a deep breath I opened the door. There, of course, were two very suspicious, and very familiar people. Crabbe and Goyle. Always hated those two.
"What do you thinking you're doing?" I demanded, the two obviously had a new found hatred for both me and my mate.
"Better question is, what are YOU doing here, GRYFFINDOR!?!" Crabbe fired, leaning against a wall, Goyle standing from his spot on the ground.
"Well obviously I'm here to annoy you and break rules!!" I countered, annoyed I even had to deal with this, as I slipped my hand out of Draco's.
"Yeah right!!" Goyle shouted.
"Ignore those dimwits," Blaise said, marching past, "C'mon."
I nodded, following Blaise out, beside Draco, with Pansy behind us. It was like one of those weird escorts. In reality it was Pansy watching for suspicious looks so she could Stupify their asses as I hide behind Draco. But same difference, right?


"Are you two coming in?" I asked Pansy and Blaise, curious.
"Nah, we just wanted to see where your common room even was, we've got schedules to pick up. I'll grab y'all's on the way," Blaise responded, Pansy nodded, as they walked off.
"Hello," I greeted The Fat Lady, "it's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Harry, is that you?!?" She asked, "It's been a LONG time!!! And who might this be, that you've brought with you?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" I laughed.
"Try me!" She said, leaning towards us.
"This lovely person here, is my mate!" I beamed proudly, Draco blushed lightly now.
"OOOH!!! What inheritance do you all have?!?" The Fat Lady asked, curiously.
"He's a Veela, and I'm a Siren," I responded, she seemed intrigued now.
"That's an interesting combination!! But I don't think I've seen him around much..." She responded, troubled she couldn't remember him.
"Oh, uhh... I don't come around here much, I'm a Slytherin....." Draco informed her, she seemed taken aback by this, seeing as she let out a large gasp and a hand to her chest.
"Well let's hope you don't live up to the gossip and rumors," She told him, cautiously, "What's your name dear?"
"Draco Malfoy," he responded, this, most certainly hit her hard, she literally fell backwards, with the largest gasp you've ever heard, "But after inheritance I've changed a lot!"

(Draco's POV)

"He really has, and for the better I'd say! Are you alright?!?" Harry asked, concerned, after a moment the lady in the picture gave a thumbs up, slowly get back up.
Wide eye she nodded.
"Password perhaps?" She asked obviously still shocked about me.
"Oh, yes, 'Cabbage'! Sorry about the surprise with Draco," Harry added, the lady nodded and her picture opened like a door, opening up to a short hallway.
On the other side of it was the Gryffindor Common Room, something I'd never hoped to see. Because it was in a tower the room was round, windows allowing large shafts of light from a half set sun, staircases leading into two attached towers, red or gold furnishings everywhere, mostly red though. Also about 10 if so people too, looks like everyone's in there dorms.
Because of the unfamiliar surroundings and people I shrunk back beside Harry a bit. He, of course, continued to have that burst of extroverted dominance.
"Hermione!!!" Harry called flinging his arms.
"Harry, what took you so long?!?" She asked, flinging herself into his arms almost at once.
"Got caught up," He responded, lowering his voice when he spoke again, "We have a lot to discuss, Mione."
"Wait, who's that behind y-" she began, as I shrank back further.
"Shh!!" Harry hissed, I was taller than him and I was painfully aware, "I'll tell you later, just don't say anythi-"
"Hey!! What the bloody hell is going on here?!?" Yet another familiar voice, this time from behind, demanded.
"Ron!!" Hermione called, "WHAT'RE YOU DOING WITH YOUR WAND?!?"
"WHAT IS HE DOING IN MY COMMON ROOM!?!?!" Weasel howled, the tension had suddenly grown ten times the amount.
"Harry? He's kinda a Gry-" Hermione began, trying to divert attention from me, even if she didn't know who I was.
"NO, FUCKING MALFOY!!!" Ron yelled, from behind us, I to winced at my name.
"H-Harry... he's pointing a wand at a wizards turned back against, i-isn't he?" I asked, trembling slightly, I was both very afraid and sly in that moment.
"Yes, h-he is," Harry replied, a small bit of fear seeping into his voice.
"Hey Weasel, what was it again that Snape told you on the train?" I asked, my free hand moving slowly towards my waste, "It'd do you well not to curse someone when there back is turned, especially if it's one of us?"
"WHO CARES WHAT HE SAID!?!?!" Weasel shouted, by now he'd probably be preparing to shoot a hex, or jinx at me; but so was I.
The second he yelled the word 'he' I reached for my wand, near my waist, and in one swift motion spun and shot a disarming spell at him. Knocking the wand from his hand, a shocked expression replacing his angered and frustrated one.
"I suggest you not try that again; or I might not use a disarming spell," I growled, glaring at him, I clasped Harry's hand, and pulled him past quickly put the doorway.

Horizon a Siren and Veelaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें