Mini Chap Shark Week Begins

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Ada was excited to be at the Weasley's again. Her first year at Hogwarts had been amazing, she and the twins being sorted into the same house as Bill, Charlie and Percy.
She had missed her trouble making duo and was glad she'd be spending the month before school with them.

The full moon had been at the beginning of the month, so she didn't have to worry about going wolf at the Burrow.

Now that she was here, she spent the afternoon playing with the boys, messing around on brooms and playing muggle games she learned from her cousins in Bavaria.

As the day came to an end, Ada went to bed in the room she was sharing with Ginny.


It was early morning when she found herself waking up from a dream. She had a small pain in her abdomen, and she felt... Wet.

She opened her eyes groggily, blinking sleepily before looking down. She moved aside the blanket, and screamed.

Ginny woke up and went to the crying Ada's side, seeing the red on her legs and the cot before she began crying too.

Suddenly, Fred and George burst into the room, seeing their friend and sister distraught, becoming worried when they saw the blood.
They attempted comforting Ginny and Ada, unsure of what to do or what was going on.

Then came the three older brothers, who stopped in the doorway confused, before observing the scene. Percy became flustered, and promptly walked out of the room.
Bill and Charlie began to laugh at the sight, before Molly came bustling in in her robe.

She stood for a moment, bewildered at the sight of the two girls crying, Fred and George hovering over them looking panicked, and her two oldest son's laughing before seeing the blood and understanding.

With a sigh, she wacked Bill and Charlie upside the head, telling Charlie to go make some hot chocolate for the girls, before making her way over to the 4 panicking children.

"Alright you two, get out. I need to talk with Adaline and Ginny." Molly spoke in a calm tone, ushering the boys out.

"Is Ada going to die?" George's voice cracked when he spoke.

"No, Fred, dear. Ada's fine. She's just having... Girl problems. Now off you go. Go get dressed." Molly shooed them away, neither of the twins bothering to correct her in their upset state.

Molly went back to the two girls, rubbing Ada's back soothingly.
"It's alright dear, you're fine. You've just started your monthly, that's all."

Molly explained to the two girls as she pulled out her wand and fixed the cot, afterwards telling Ada to take a warm bath, bringing her clean clothes and a pad.

Ada came down to hot chocolate and pancakes with eggs, sausage and fruit.

Bill and Charlie were teasing the red eared Fred and George, who brightened up at the sight of their friend, and scooched apart to let her sit between them.

Their mother had briefly explained to them what was going on and they were slightly embarrassed, having freaked out and thinking their friend was dying.

They each placed a comforting hand on Ada's knees, acting as if nothing happened and continuing to mess around throughout the day, regularly making sure Adaline was okay and slipping her chocolate to make her feel better.

Ada wasn't too happy about this new development, already having a monthly issue, but she supposed it couldn't be helped. And with the boys constantly giving her chocolate, it couldn't be that bad.

As time rolled on towards dinner, Ada found herself helping Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen, insisting she make herself useful.

"Aunt Molly?" The ginger woman hummed in reply to the girl, who she insisted call her 'Aunt Molly'.
"When will Fred and George get their periods?"

Molly dropped the potato she happened to be peeling, laughing at Ada's question.

"No no, dear. That's not quite how it works." She chuckled, "Did Remus never give you the talk?"

Adaline shook her head.

Molly sighed, shaking her head as she muttered, "That man seems to forget that there's more to raising children than meets the eye..."

She continued peeling and cutting potatoes as she explained to Ada the basics of what she needed to know, occasionally getting a disgusted noise or rosy cheeks from the girl.

"Now then, I think I can handle things from here. Be a dear and get the boys for me, will you Adaline?"

Ada quickly ran out of the kitchen, and Molly watched from the window as she ran out into the yard, leaping onto George's back as the children laughed and played together.

She smiled gently at the scene.
"Ah, to be young..."

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