Airport Full Of Goodbye. (The Last Olympian Chapter)

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Zayn POV. 


I hum A-Team to her softly as she sleeps on my lap. I try drinking in every last detail of her, knowing that in the next half hour shell be gone. I can't even imagine how I'm going to go on. I mean yeah I was doing perfectly before, but that's before I met the girl of my dreams, that's before I met Logan.

I feel the tears beginning to collect in my eyes. I squeeze them shut and rest my forehead against hers. She breaths softly and evenly as she sleeps.

I laugh. How can I be falling for a girl iv know for no longer then A month? I mean who am I to tell love when it can and cannot tell people they're meant to be but. I never expected to be falling so hard so fast.

I smile and kiss her lips softly. Her eyes flutter open and she kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Did I miss it?" She ask, sitting up.

"I wish. You have about 15 minutes before they board." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Why. Why do you have to go? Why cant you just stay here? You can live with me! You could meet my family!"

"Zayn, you know I want to. I really do but it's been almost a year since iv actually seen my family." She mutters laying her head on my shoulder, fumbling with the buttons on my shirt.

"Your going to be gone for a year." I growl, avoiding her eyes.

"No. I'm going to be gone for 6 months." She replies, kissing my cheek lightly. "It'll go by faster then you think. You won't even notice I'm gone."

"I won't even notice. The girl of my dreams is leaving me for half a year I think I'll notice." I say, studying our intertwined fingers. "I can't say goodbye." I whisper.

"Don't, it's not like your never going to see me again, I'm just. Going on a vacation. You need to focus on you for a little while, try and get your career up and going and stop wording about mine." She smiles.

All I can do is sigh. I know if I open my mouth my voice will shake and I'll begin to cry. I'm not going to cry.

"We are now boarding flight 579 to the United States! Boarding Flight 579 to the United States." The women at the counter says.

I tighten my grip on her waist but she pulls away anyways.

I let out a whimper. Studying the ground.

"Come." She says pulling me up. "Walk me to my gate."

I stand, allowing her to drag me along. I can't say goodbye, I know I'm going to cry, I can feel all the emotions threading to expose me, pushing at the bottom of my throat. Egging me to break.

"This is as far as you can go." She says, stopping. "Im going to miss you Zayn. Just as much as your going to miss me." She whispers.

I pull her to me, trying to have her melt away in my arms so she wouldn't have to get on the plane. "Dont forget about me." I say shakily.

"Zayn I would never. Your my one and only." She stands on her toes so she can look me in my eyes.

I smile, wrap my arms around her waist and lift her off the ground. "I love you Logan."

"I know." She nods.

I kiss her. I give her a deep passionate kiss. One that you give when you think you not going to see the one you love ever again. Because that's how I feel right now. Like I'm losing her.

"Last call for Flight 579 to the US!" The man at the door barks. "You coming love?"

Logan nods. I see the tears beginning to stream down her face.

I squeeze mine shut, giving her one last hug. "I love you." She says.

"I know." I release her, immediately wishing I hadn't. I want to grab her and never let her go but I can't.

She pauses at the door, waving one more time before disappearing down the long hallway.

I gasp, noticing iv been holding my breath and put my hands over my eyes.

I walk back to the seats and begin to cry. I can't believe she's gone. She's really gone!

Thinking that I cry harder, and for a good 5 minutes that's all I do. Blubber like a baby.

I wipe my face and sit back in the chair. Noticing for the first time there's a blonde haired boy sitting next to me. "What happen lad?" I ask, wrapping my arm around him as he wipes away his tears.

"She's. Gone!" He says. "Ali's gone. She's gone she's gone." He keeps repeating, burning his head in my shoulder.

I stroke his hair, shushing him. "It's alright everything's going to be alright." I say.

"I loved her. I tried do hard to get her and when she's finally mine she's. She's gone again!" He whimpers.

We just sit there for a moment, holding Each other as I feel the tears begin to flow once again.

Then out of know where a boys in a striped shirt and red pants comes running, pulling us into his hug. "She left huh?" He mutters, eyes poofy and red like ours.

I nod and the boy begins to cry harder.

"I'm Louis" He says, pulling the crying boy to him.

"I'm Zayn." I reply, losening my grip.

"Im. Niall." He says between sobs.

"I'm Harry and that's Liam." A curly hairs boy say walking up to us.

I nod. "Did you all fall in love with an Olympian to?" I ask.

They all let out a whimper and nod.

Stand pulling Niall and Louis up with me. "What now? We just go home and pretend nothing's wrong." I ask, voice breaking.

"I don't want to be alone!" Niall cry harder.

"I'll go home with you!" Louis says. Niall nods, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I don't really know what to do with myself." Liam adds.

"Why don't we all go get a cup of coffee and think over how we're going to survive." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

They all nod in agreement.

"Do you know that song Torn?" Harry ask.

There's a chorus of yes's.

"Thats how I feel right now." He takes a breath and begins to sing. "That's what's going on! Nothing's fine I'm Torn!"

We a join in, as I harmonize.

"I'm all out faith! This is how I feel, I'm torn and I'm ashamed...."

We sing as we walk out of the airport, arms wrapped around one another, supporting each other in our darkest hour. Like true friends, like brothers.

Maybe something more can come from this. I mean we sound great, amazing even. Well, we're going to have to just see. Right now we need time to adjust, being without them.

Being without Logan....


What do you guys think? You hate it! I understand! I would love to continue but the Olympics is over and this is an Olympic love story So SAD! Maybe if I get 30+ votes I'll add a new chapter. MAYBE. Lol.


Read the sister story's to this! The story info is in the first chapter!


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