Accident At The Pool.

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*Yeah, your skin your touch, the kiss the rush to much and here it come. When your lips touch mine, its the kiss of time. Ohoh you know that its a little bit frighting. We mines as well be playing with lighting*

I scramble for my phone. "Hello?" I ask sleepily.

"Oh don't tell me your already asleep love! Its only 9:45."

"Tom. Tom Daley why are you calling me? I'm so tired from today i fell asleep as soon as i got to the room." I get up and walk out onto the patio. It feels amazing outside.

"I'm sorry Logan. I just thought maybe. You know. We could go out, or something." He says, hesitant. "Ya know. Since you won your first Gold today. And i made it to Semi-Final for diving."

"You did! Oh Tom that's great! Congrats. I hope you win love. I know how amazing you are. And. Well. I mean, id love to but.." i bite my lip. I cant hurt him. Every girl in Britain wants to be me right now. Getting asked out by Daley is there dream.

"But.. ouch. That hurt." I can hear it in his voice.

"No no its not you! Your an amazing person. It--." I try explaining but he cuts me off.

"No you don't have to explain. Maybe its a sign, ya know. Maybe its telling me i should stop asking out a gorge girl that would never be interested in a massive fool like me." He says, very upset.

"No Tom. That has nothing to do with you. Your an amazing person, not a fool. And I'm not turning you down so to speak. But i cant get involved with anyone because i need all my focus on my Archery. I have Eliminations for Individuals coming up in two days and i have to focus. I cant let my mind wander. And it has nothing to do with you. I need to focus on myself right now. And you need to focus on winning that Gold." I pause, thinking hell say something. But he stays silent. "And i would be the massive fool if i became such a distraction as to pull all your focus from your dives."

"I understand." He mumbles.

"I'm not saying no lad. I- I'm just saying not now." I stutter.

"Alright, well ill let you get back to sleep. Goodnight Logan. Will you come watch me dive tomorrow? Ya know, just as a friend." He ask

"Wouldn't miss it. Ill bring Louis to. Hes got practice early. Your diving at 8 right?" I walk back to the room and dig through my bag.

"Yeah, 8. See you then. Goodnight love."

"Goodnight Tom." I hang up and throw my phone on the bed.

"Who was that?" Harper ask, turning over to face me.

"Tom Daley. He asked me out. Again." I says, pulling out my Nike compression pants and a sports bra.

"As in the amazingly sexy GB diver Tom Daley? Tell me you said yes! And that you will marry the man!" She smiles.

"Yeah, that's him. And i said no of course." I slip on my pants.

"You are mad! You need to get your head checked." She yells after me. "Where are you going?"

"For a jog. Ill be back in an hour. If I'm not... ill see you at qualifying." I reply. Throwing off my shirt, pulling my sports bra over my head.

"Your mental. Im going to check you into a hospital when were done here." She lays back down, pulling the covers to her chin. "Goodnight!"

"Night." I say, grabbing my headphones, phone, and key. "Don't wait up."

I pause at the door and listen. I hear Mayas light snore and Harpers steady breath. I shut the door and put my headphones in.

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