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********HELLA EDITING****

Soft fabric caressed my skin as I turned onto my back and suddenly jolted from the sting. The fuck did I do last night? I chuckled as I opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling. Something seemed off. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. I looked around as my heart beat quicken,this isn't my room.
   A lump was beginning to form in my throat as i began to remember the screams, the scared faces, the smell of burnt flesh, the agony in my sisters face as we burned. The lump was beginning to choke me as I coughed out sobs. I can taste the salt of the tears that sled down my face as it all came back.
I bent my knees towards my chest rocking myself back and forward as my sobs became uncontrollable cry's.
I couldn't come to terms with my sister death. Of the way her skin sizzled in the burn. I could've saved her if we didn't leave the house. We could've been safe if it wasn't for me.
Out of anger I balled up my fists and banged my head uncontrollably until I felt a cold hand stop my arms from another hit. Fear took over and I pulled my arms away and scurried to the bed rest as my breathing quickened.
"Get the fuck up you scum bag!"roared the other person.
My body began to shake as a shiver of fright stung through my spine. I buried my head deeper into my knees hopping that the person would go away.
Stomps began making their way to the other side of the bed closer to where I sat. Suddenly there was silence as if no one was in the room but I felt their heavy presence. It snarled near my ear as my stomach grumbled getting ready to hurl from the putrid smell.
Get the fuck up Jupiter. I began to pump myself up as I peaked a bit under my arms. Once I found an escape I didn't second think and sprinted off the bed towards the door. But before I could make it a man blocked my path. But he wasn't a man, his eyes were soulless and black, his body was big and looked capable of tearing my arms apart.
"Where are we going darling? You can't miss dinner." As he spoke his teeth became sharp as drool dripped from the sharp edges. I began to walk backwards hearing the loud thumps of my heart. I was running out of space but my fear was blinding my possibilities of escaping. My back stung once more as it hit a wall.
"You can't hide baby. No matter where you go I'll catch you." I could feel his breath inches away from my face as spit splashed as he spoke. I moved my face to the side and closed my eyes as he came closer. I slightly squinted and noticed a window. I pushed his chest with all my strength managing for him to tumble back a bit giving me a window to run towards the window. I ran with all my force pulling my arm towards my face and tucking my face a bit getting ready for the impact, I then jumped high in the air hitting the window. But instead of the window breaking I bounced back with a loud thud causing me to fall to the floor. I squirm a bit from the pain as I laugh internally noticing the thickness of the window. Bullet proof.I'm such a fucking dumbass. How didn't I notice that earlier.
   I was too clouded by my thoughts to notice the monster near me as he grabbed a handful of my hair and tossed me onto the bed causing me to bang my head on the bed rest. "I'm going to teach you a lesson for trying to escape!" Before he had a chance to take his pants off he randomly fell onto the floor. My vision became a blur as my head throbbed and ached. Then my eyes shut once again.
   I felt a cold hand on my cheek. It lightly caressed it with care. I wondered who's touch it might be it was no where near my sisters touch. My eyes began to try opening but to no avail. I forced my brain to command my eyes to open but yet again there was nothing all I could do was hear,"That damn fool had no right to touch you my dear. I made sure to dispose of him like the trash he is." That voice, why did it sound so familiar? Trying to remember the voice only caused my headache to worsen. I was able to move my hands onto my head making the persons hand move away. Groans made their way out of my lips as the pain increased,"It's ok," the voice soothed,"you had a minor concussion. Can you open your eyes for me?" I went to rub my eyes but I felt the cold hands pull my arm back,"No,don't rub them. Just try to slowly open them." The fuck she thinks I'm doing?!
I felt a sudden cold breeze,"Don't you dare speak to me in that tone! If it weren't for me you would've rotted and burned. I'll get someone in here to assist you, I no longer have the want to care for garbage." A door slammed singalong the departure of the voice.
   A couple minutes later I managed to open my eyes to come face to face with the same room I woke in previously I noticed a mirror in the far corner of the room. I stood in front if it to clean the dry gunk off of my eyes. Which was apparently causing my eyes to stay shut when I tried to open them.
   A knocked startled me causing me to run back to the bed and lay as if I were still having trouble. My body was still in pain but I disregarded it as I tried laying still."Oh sweetie, I know you're pretending. You can relax now I'm not like them I'm human." I opened my eyes to see an older women in a maids outfit. "What's your name?" She asked as she handed me a cup of water. "Umm where am I first off?" I hesitated to grab the cup at first but figured what's the worst that could happen.
"My name is Ester, and you are far from home that's for sure. Now here are a couple of outfit choices, don't hesitate or complain you must change before you meet for dinner with the queen." With that she placed the now empty cup on her trey and left. Well fuck now there's a queen. I'm guessing it was that lady that came in and randomly left yelling like a crazy ass bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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