What Would They Rather Have?

Start from the beginning

Fitz cleared his throat before speaking.  "Sophie knows, right?"

"Yes.  Biana and I had to hail her at four a.m. though.  And now, I have to explain to Sandor what's going on so that he can play along too!"

Fitz looked down, and Dex squeezed his arm tighter.

Grizel sighed.  "I just don't want you getting in massive trouble, kid.  I know your parents aren't the best at understanding love-"

Fitz and Dex's faces turned red.

"OH, PLEASE,"  Keefe groaned.  "You two..."  He shook his head in a disapproving manor.  "Why are you so resistant to let the ship sail off into the sun?"

Fitz smiled sadly.  "Because you'd burn before you even reach the sun."

Nobody knew what to say to that.

Dex squeezed Fitz's arm again.  "Come on, we should head over."

"Yeah,"  Grizel responded, ruffling their hair.

"Nice hair by the way,"  Keefe smiled at Fitz in a teasing way.

Fitz couldn't find it in himself to give a real smile back, so he gave a fake one.

After that, Keefe flounced off to see the twins, and Grizel kept her distance from Dex and Fitz.

"Actually,"  Dex said, stopping in his tracks.

"Yeah?"  Fitz asked.

Dex looked around to make sure no one was listening in.  "Let's have a private conversation."  He then proceeded to determinedly drag the seventeen-year old into Foxfire and down the hall.

"I need to be at the silver tower soon."  Fitz mumbled.

Dex looked outside.  "You have time."

They rounded a corner and went into a bathroom that nobody ever used.  It had white walls, and white stalls, but the reason it was so rarely used was because the space was so tiny.

Dex dragged them into a stall, ignoring Grizel as she rolled her eyes at them from outside and crossed her arms.

Dex sat them both down on the floor.  "Just answer the questions, okay?"

"Okay..."  Fitz said slowly, a bit confused.

"Are you living in the silver towers for school?"

"Dex you know-"


Fitz sighed.  "Yes."

"Are you going to see your parents everyday?"


"Do your parents have to know that you're gay?" 

Fitz looked uncomfortable with the question.  "I guess not, but I don't like keeping them in the dark."

"How long have you kept them in the dark though?"

Fitz looked down with a bitter smile and laugh.  "My whole life."

"Do you think your parents love you enough to keep you if you came out to them?"

The question startled Fitz.  He hadn't been expecting Dex to jump to such one as the Dizznee boy gripped his hands tight.

Fitz let out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding.  "I don't know."

Dex didn't seem to believe him as he gently rubbed his thumbs over Fitz's palms.  "Do you think your parents would disown you if you got a bad match?"

"I don't know..."

Dex sighed.  "Yes you do."

"Do you think they would?"  Fitz's eyes were like glass.

"I don't want to be the one to answer this.  I need you to realize it for yourself."

Fitz squeezed Dex's hands before putting them on his knee's, and putting his face on their conjoined hands.  "It would take time, but... they'd probably still accept me."

Dex smiled kindly.  "So why should liking boys be any different?  Because you can't produce offspring?  Which, by the way, you actually can."

Fitz gave another bitter laugh.  "I don't know if it'd be that easy."

"Neither of us said it would be easy, but my point here is, that no matter what choice you make - keeping your parents in the dark or straight up telling them the truth about who you are - they'll still love you.  Frankly, I don't even know if grandkids would be the most prominent thing on their minds."  When Fitz shook his head, Dex continued, "Think, if you were like Bex and were transgender, what would your parents rather have: A dead son, or a living daughter?"

Fitz looked up and for the first time since Grizel had showed up, gave Dex a real smile.  His eyes had tears coming from them, but it was a real smile. "A living daughter."

Dex grinned the biggest grin Fitz had ever seen him make.  "Exactly."

I'm really sorry if this part was somewhat unrealistic.  

I've never had to come out, as my family is very accepting and kind, so if I did horrible, feel free to tell me.

And again, read Dear Universe's story on fanfiction .net!

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