Chapter 6 - Jailbreak

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Tails' Perspective
Sonic — I mean, the other Sonic — and I sat in silence. I had explained everything.
After a while, the other Sonic gave me a pat on the shoulder. I looked down at him. He grinned as if he forgave me for not saving Sonic.
"I failed Sonic. Well, I mean this world's Sonic... and Eggman's monster got him," I reminded him.
His smile didn't fade like I expected it to. He gave me another hearty pat.
I had to return his smile.
"But you're here now. It's like the world needs a Sonic... any Sonic, to keep things in balance," I continued.
I knew Sonic was gone for good, but I also knew that he wouldn't want me to give up just like that.
I thought of the Resistance, of everyone doing their part to save the world.
I realized that I could still do something to help. Even if it only helped a little.
"If we defeat Eggman, this war will be over. And if we can figure out the secret to his power..." I paused, then forced a smile as I finished, "...maybe we can get you home!"
Just as I finished, my sensor started acting up.
"Hey, the sensor is picking up Eggman! Let's hurry!"
Sonic — the other Sonic — and I hopped up from the bench. I swished my tails a little nervously. I haven't flown in a while.
But Sonic had dashed off, so I gave my tails a quick spin and lifted myself off the ground.
Before I knew it, I was flying alongside Sonic in Green Hill again, just like old days.

Sonic's Perspective
It was the day I was going to be sent off into space.
"This is the end, Sonic," Zavok told me as the gates of my cell finally opened. Unfortunately, I was still bound by the blue rings.
Trying to ignore my impulse to run out of the rat cage, I recited what I practiced. "Oh hey! Sounds like the party's started! Wanna let me go and join in? No? Of course not! You hate fun."
Right when I finished, the alarms went off, and my cuffs disappeared.
"Wow," I exclaimed as I kicked the stiffness out of my legs.
"The end, huh? Let's see you try something now that I'm free!" I casually told the red goon as I strode up to him.
"Foolish hedgehog. Getting out of your chains does not make you free. Now come and face the inevitable!" he growled menacingly.
Not today!
"The only thing inevitable here is my foot kicking your butt!" I joked as I dashed out of the cell and calmly dodged one of his punches.
Time to put my six months of practice to the test!

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