🏀 3

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Hope you like it, please read my a/n's at the end too ~♡


The boys continued talking and working until it was time for them to close up and go home.

"See ya tomorrow straight boy", Jeno hollered as he left the shop to walk home.

As soon as Jeno arrived he was greeted by silence and an empty house, remembering his parents were on a business trip again.

Jeno sighed and threw his bag onto the floor by the door and flopped onto the dark blue velvet sofa that was big enough to have 3 people lying down. (Yes, his parents have good paying jobs)

He was alone once again.

He was used to this though. His parents frequently leaving him alone to go on their business trips without inviting him as he "needs to focus on his education to get to their position in life" but all he wants is to spend some time with him family as a WHOLE family again, was that too much to ask for?

Jeno doesn't realise that he's started to zone out until he hears soft purring and a tickle underneath his feet. He looks to his feet to find one of his cats, Bongshik nuzzling his head onto his feet (I'm assuming this cat is a boy because Idk the actual genders of his cats). He sits up straight against the back of the sofa and picks up the black, short haired cat and puts him in his lap.

"Annyeong Bongshik, how are you?", He strokes the cat fondly behind his ears as he feels the cat gently purr.

"How was your day buddy? Mine was pretty average I guess, ya know mum and dad have left again so it's just us-", Jeno then heard scratching on the door that is before the corridor of his staircase to the livingroom door to see his other two cats Surusuru and Mansuru making their way towards him and proceeding to also jump into his lap,

"- and these two for the week, although I am inviting my friends over again so you'll get to see Jaemin again. Yes Surusuru I'm talking to you because you seem to loveeeee Jaemin a whole lot more than me", Jeno pouted at his cats as the said cat meowed back, if this cat was human Jeno could've sworn it would be smirking at him.

He played with his cats for a while before deciding to try and make himself dinner... try meaning he attempted but it went horribly wrong so ended up ordering pizza. How did I manage to forget to put rice in the saucepan so ended up boiling and evaporating water leaving the pan to almost burn, Jeno though to himself as he sat down at his massive dinner table alone whilst munching on some pizza with his cats trying to nibble some from the boxes. (I use a rice cooker to cook rice, I don't boil it in a saucepan like packets instruct 😂)

Once Jeno finished eating, he threw away the rubbish and got dressed and ready for bed. He launched himself onto his kingsize bed and tucked himself into his silk sheets and picked up his phone from his bedside table to quickly scroll through his social media before sleeping as he can never seem to sleep straight away. All he could see was his groupchat blowing up with random notifications from familiar insignificant people, but was he going to waste his time reading though them? Yes he was. (I do that all time, I'll always read through all messages in groupchats if I miss any lol)


Richbitch: Yo guys, what's up

AstrollinthePwark: hey Chenle, the sky

Nananana (from drippin lol): ain't you a funny one Jisungie

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