"I'm very well thank you. Been doing a lot of dating"

"Has it gone well?"

"Not that successfully but I have a good feeling about it. I'm ready for something to happen now."

"Aww I hope something does happen."

"Yeah So do I. I haven't seen you date in a long time." Chloe reiterated.

"I've been busy haven't I. Anyway Lauren told me about you and Sam how did it go?"

"He was actually really sweet about it. Like we had a little chat and I explained everything and then I told him that I did really like him."

"So are you two back on then?"

"Yeah and hopefully I won't be that stupid again."

"What are you going to do about Amber?"

"Thing is I don't want a fight so I'm not going to go out of my way to tell her something like that. But then if she decided to come up to me then at least I have something to come back on."

"It's good to have something like that."

"Exactly and with her you never know when things can turn sour." Lauren said. "But I am happy that you two made up."

"Thank you."


It was Bonfire tonight and I wasn't invited to Amber and Dan's little soirée so I just went straight to the pub and field where all the fireworks were. I walked in and found Bobby there.

"Hi Bobs." I said and then ordered myself a drink. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages how are you?

"I'm very well thank you. You're actually glowing right now, you've got the look of love."

"Shut up. If my cheeks are red it's just because I'm so cold right now."

"I'm loving the coat though. Looks proper snuggly."

"It is But if it rains I'm going to get absolutely drenched."

"Ahhh. So I went to this thing this morning right with Shelby and just to warn you I think she has the hots for Sam."

"Like really because he told me it was all over."

"Well She said that he was attractive but he's not going to put all his eggs into one basket."

"Bobs at this point I really couldn't care less. I just want to be happy and you know what I think I deserve to be."

"Oh I agree. I just didn't want you to think I'd kept this from you."

"No I appreciate it."


"Hey baby." I heard as I was getting a marshmallow and felt him wrap his arms around my waist. "You look lovely."

"Thank you." I said and gave him a peck. "So I did want to come and speak to you actually. I just wanted to say thank you for this morning. You didn't have I be understanding but I'm so glad you was."

"Listen I'm not going to let something like that get in the way of us. Like I'm not giving up at the first hurdle."

"Thank you."

"But I did want to speak to you. Well I've got a question to ask. So I know we've been getting closer these last couple of weeks and everything so I just wanted to ask... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Are you serious?"


"Of course I will." I said and wrapped my arms around him. "You know this means now you have to give me your coat if it starts raining."

"Babe I'd do that for you any day."


We were just coming up to leaving and I was stood with Sam and Lauren when I noticed Amber coming over.

"Hey So I thought I'd just come across and ask what is your problem? I've heard you've been making sly comments about me"

"I don't know what you've heard but maybe you should go and ask your boyfriend."


"Amber I think we should go..." Dan appeared.

"No I want to know what she has to say."

"Well your 'boyfriend' asked me last week to make sure that I stopped showing affectionate to my boyfriend and then told me that I was keeping details from him."

"Why would you make that up?" Amber asked.


"Look Amber I think we should go." He said and walked off with his arm around him.

"Yeah maybe you should improve your communication skills." I shouted at them. "Absolutely pathetic."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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