Dear Diary...

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A/N: This chapter will be in a diary format as I have so much I want to write about but I really don't want this to be a long winded story, so I'm using this to skip time without jumping too far and missing content, hope you enjoy it!

Much love Andromeda_Lilly 😘

Draco's POV:


September 12th

Classes were boring, but you were amazed by everything. You'd think after a couple of weeks the excitement would wear off, if anything magic has gotten more amazing to you Harry.

It feels weird to write to you as if you're not here, but you're not, not really anyway. the tiny you is adorable and timid, what happened Potter? But seriously you're so scared as a child, you hide when someone is angry, you start to cry if you think you've done something wrong. It worries me. Why would you have a reason to be so terrified of everything that young in life?

You had fun tonight though, we made sure of it, me, Blaise and the girls. we all came back to our flat, just to play with you and your new toys (though I'm pretty sure Blaise liked the cars more than you did). We played for hours raven! We built a dragon and a castle out of your blocks sets, played with the train sets, we covered the whole of your playroom floor in train tracks and charmed the little train to toot and blow steam just like a real one. You had an absolutely brilliant night, the smile on your face was so big its a wonder it even fit.

When everyone had left and it was just us, you made me help you into your little footie pyjamas, the snitch covered one is your favourite one to wear (no surprises there though). we snuggled down in your little bed after you insisted I read you a bedtime story, I wasn't even halfway through Babbity Rabbity before you were snoring in my ear. You slept well though, no nightmares at all, you must have been really tired to sleep that well.


September 17th

Today was a Saturday, which apparently now means everyone spends the day in the flat with us. you don't mind though, you love spending time with our friends, I can say that now, they're our friends. If I'm being completely honest I'd say Blaise and Ginny have something a little more than friendship on their minds with the way they've been flirting lately, but that's besides the point, when Hermione and Ginny showed up this morning they had brought what looked like a blank piece of parchment with them. Needless to say we were both confused when they told you to go get your wand, but you did anyway because your curiosity knows no bounds little lion, you're too brave for your own good.

Ginny explained that she and Hermione had been showed how to use the map by you before you turned into a toddler, she told us all that it was your dad and his friends who made it and that it showed everyone who entered the castle and where they were which we all thought was amazing. Hermione told you the words, it was quite amusing to watch you stumble over the words until you got them, but you did, you pointed your wand at the map and said 'I solemnly swear I'm up to no good' with the proudest look on your face as this tatty piece of parchment changed into probably the best thing to come from a group of Hogwarts students in a long time.

You thought the map was brilliant, you made us all walk the halls to see if people were where the map said they'd be and you practically bounced in excitement when you saw the map was right and the people were right where the map said they were. We spent nearly full day doing this.

Merlin's balls don't you ever get bored of magic Potter?


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