Take Your Medicine

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3rd persons POV

Harry shuffles around on Draco's hip to get comfy, "Dwaco whewe we go?" He asked curiously, looking at his surroundings with wide wonder filled eyes.
"We're going to see Madame Pomfrey, the school nurse, to make sure you're healthy and that there weren't any side affects to the potion." The Slytherin murmurs into Harry's hair softly.

Harry burrows himself into Draco's neck and starts whimpering before the Slytherin even finished his sentence.
"What's wrong little raven?" The blond inquires quietly, noticing the small boy is shaking slightly. Harry nestles himself further into Draco's robes,
"Never been to the 'opital befowe" the young boys response is muffled by the clothing he's hidden his face in.
"It's okay Harry, I'm in here almost every year," the blond muses "it's not scar at all, but some of the medicine tastes bad."
Harry pulls his head back to see Draco pulling a disgusted face, the boy giggles then turns to take in the school once more.

Harry's curiosity at his surroundings gave way to nervousness as the boys entered the hospital wing, seeking refuge in the blonds robes once more when Draco signals to Madame Pomfrey that they had arrived.
The small boy was absolutely silent as Draco filled the nurse in on the situation and remained so until the Slytherin moved to sit him on a bed, "NO! No leave me, they huwt me!" He sobbed as he clung to the older boy "no leave me Dwaco pwease!"

Draco was shocked by the toddlers outburst, "it's okay Harry, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here" he soothed, completely at a loss as to what the child meant, looking to the mediwitch for help.
"Maybe Draco can sit with you while I make sure you're healthy, how about that sweetheart?" The older witch says kindly, "why don't you get yourselves comfy so I can run some tests and then you can go eat dears."

The older boy sat on the bed then brought Harry into his lap before laying them both back, the small boy was restless and fidgety, so Draco carded his pale fingers through the child's ebony hair. Harry let out a squeak of fear as Madame Pomfrey hovered her wand over his slight frame before nestling as close to his guardian as he could.
"It's okay Harry, it'll be over before you know it, you're doing brilliantly! Maybe I'll even let you have some of my special chocolate" the nurse beams at the boy and mutters a few words and holding her wand over Harry for a few minutes before she disappears into her office to assess the results.

Five minutes later and Madame Pomfrey walks back to the boys with a large block of chocolate that she hands to the raven haired boy "eat up, you did so well sweetheart" she coos before turning to lead Draco away so they could talk privately.
"Mister Malfoy as his current guardian you have the right to know what I discovered," the mediwitch explained slowly before hesitating "the tests show that his body has been malnourished and abused, to what extent I don't know, but I don't want to risk upsetting the child by asking him, I believe he's been through enough today" she finishes grimly.
Draco clenches his fists "those horrid muggles abused and starved him?" He spits out disgustedly before taking a glance at the oblivious child happily munching his way through the hunk of chocolate he'd been given. Taking a deep breath he turns back to the mediwitch "thank you Madame Pomfrey, for telling me, I'll see what I can do to help him.

The blond walks calmly over to the chocolate covered toddler with a smile "time to go raven, don't forget to say thank you to Madame Pomfrey for the mess that's currently all around your face on the way out" he reprimands playfully. Lifting the tiny potter into his arms and shouldering their bags once more the duo starts tho make their way to the great hall to eat.
"Tank you miss nurse lady" Harry says with a cheerful grin and wave as they walk through the door to leave.

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