Sweet Dreams & Shopping Sprees

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A/N: sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up, I've had serious writers block. Thank you for sticking with me though, it means a lot.

Much love Andromeda_Lilly 😘

3rd persons POV

Both boys had an uneasy sleep last night, so they were dead on their feet, which did not go unnoticed by the duos friends when they trudge over to the Slytherin table for breakfast that morning, slumping down into their seats between Blaise and Pansy and eating their food in silence apart from the odd grunt in acknowledgement from Draco.

The two Slytherins look across the hall to see Hermione and Ginny sending concerned looks towards Draco and Harry, raising questioning brows to the equally concerned Slytherins, who just shrug their shoulders, none of them knowing what was said last night as they had decided to leave when Draco hadn't returned after ten minutes.

Draco could feel the curious stares of his friends burning a hole in his head and decided after five minutes of enduring it that he'd had enough. Standing up and grabbing his things he turned to the drowsy little boy,
"Come on Harry we're going to see my uncle Sev, he might know what to do," the blond then looked to his friends,
"I'll explain later, right now we just need to talk to Sev then go for a nap."

The duos friends nodded and watched them leave the great hall, dragging their feet in exhaustion. The two walked sluggishly towards Snapes office, Harry tripping over himself until Draco sighed and lifted him into his arms where the boy promptly snuggled upto his guardian and drifted off, burrowing his head into the crook of the blonds neck letting warm breath tickle the exposed skin.
Knocking on the heavy door felt like to large a task to the drained slytherin, but he did so anyway, because he needed help.

When Snape answered the door, Draco just swept past him; not even having the energy to murmer a greeting, before flopping down in one of the chairs in the most un-Malfoy-like way that his  grandfather Abraxas was probably rolling in his grave.

"And to what do i owe the pleasure of this visit Draco?" The professor drawled, already at his wits end.
"Its not even first lesson and you require assistance, why am I not surprised."

The blond rolled his eyes and adjusted the small body in his arms,

"can you give dreamless sleep potion to a four year old?" He asked, getting straight to the point, while stroking Harrys messy hair with affection.
Snape raised a brow at the question but otherwise seemed unphased,

"I see Mr Potters night terrors have made an appearance, I wondered how long it would take." The professor mused, "he often asked for them through the years, but as you know all too well we have to
regulate a persons intake as it can cause lasting damage." The potions master looked pointedly in the Slytherins direction, "but no we cannot give an infant dreamless sleep, you'll both just have to endure it."

Draco groaned in displeasure, head flopping to the back of the chair he was slumped in.

"Merlin's balls! how can we carry on like this Sev? we're dead on our feet." The blond grumbled but got to his feet regardless, still cradling the sleeping bundle of robes and headed back to the door. He had barely got the door open a crack before he was stopped by Snape's monotonus voice,

"Don't forget tomorrow is Saturday, and that I will be accompanying you to Diagon Alley so you can buy the things you require for Mr Potter, you may bring only one person to help you collect all you need."

Draco nodded as he left to let his godfather know he understood before he headed back to his room for a much needed nap. The boys slept for most the day, waking just before the last meal, meaning both boys were famished but both felt better for having caught up on their sleep. They headed to the great hall where Harry chose to sit with the Slytherins much to Draco's pleasure, but demanded that Hermione and Ginny come and sit with them too, "so he could be wiv all of his fweinds!"

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