Ch. 1: The Dark Lord

Start from the beginning

The final point of entry is through a secret pass right outside the gate of Minas Morgul. The steps are hidden into the side of the mountains, making it very difficult to find. It is very small and steep, making it impossible for an invading force to traverse. Only a small party has a chance to enter through here. It is treacherous, however, for it is guarded by a giant spider called Shelob, who catches and eats adventurers looking to enter the Land of Shadows.

If a group does somehow get past Shelob, they find themselves in the stronghold of Cirith Ungol, a place filled to the brim with orcs, trolls, Uruks, and spiders. The point is, in Mordor, Sauron is untouchable.

He now sits on his throne, in the capital stronghold of Barad-Dur, meaning dark tower. At the top sits a great, flaming and lidless eye known as the Eye of Sauron. The Eye was rimmed with fire, but was itself glazed, yellow as a cat's, watchful and intent, and the black slit of its pupil opened on a pit, a window into nothing. It allows him to see great distances outside Mordor, and see every corner of his kingdom with ease.

Sauron, as earlier stated, now sits on his throne counting down the remaining time left before the game, this world he has spent so much time in, comes to an end.

Sauron: 'This sucks'

He was the leader of an alliance known as the Shadow of Mordor. The fellow members of this alliance consisted of Overlord Hunvorn, Loke-Khan Rhukar, Serpent-Lord Kuhazymah, High King Lundush, Saruman the many-colored, Haven Master Gimilkhad, and Khan Arkish.

They all ruled their own kingdoms and served Sauron. Hunvorn controlled Angmar, a snowy kingdom in the far north of wildmen, orcs, and other beasts. Rhukar commanded the Easterling tribes of Rhun, positioned in the grasslands north-east of Mordor. Kuhazymah led the tribes of Harad in the desert and jungle in the south. His army contained evil men known as the Haradrim, as well as Half-trolls, and many beasts, including the huge and devastating Mumakil.

Lundush was High King to the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. He was in charge of hordes of goblins and orcs. They also had cave trolls and wargs. Saruman was one of only five wizards in the world known as Istari. He commanded only one stronghold, a large tower known as Isengard. There he bred a new race of Uruks known as Uruk-hai, and got the wildmen of Dunland to join him.

Gimilkhad was the lord of pirates and also had only one Settlement, the City of Umbar. A safe haven for pirates, also called corsairs, and held the greatest fleet of ships in the world. The last alliance member was warlord of the steepes of Khand. He was a nomadic leader and housed the best horse archers and fastest horses in the land. His people were called the Variags of Khand.

There were three things one needed to join the alliance. One; you had to be morally bad. Two; you had to be the leader of a major force of Middle-Earth. And lastly, you must provide a resource that no other faction had.

The Shadow of Mordor was the greatest threat in Middle-Earth. They fought and invaded the forces of good since the beginning. Now, however, every member has left, logged out for good, except for Sauron.

Sauron: 'We should all be on to witness the end. Now this is just depressing. We put so much time and effort into this game, and they just easily abandon it?'

Sauron sighs and lifts his right hand. There, on his ring finger, sat a single golden band. Then, he speaks into it.

Sauron: 'In the lands of Mordor, where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Flaming word spread around the ring. They are in a strange language.

Sauron: 'Bring me the Stronghold Guardians and Ringwraiths'

Overlord: Shadow of MordorWhere stories live. Discover now