"In her case...very deep" I mumbled.

"She will come home late, why don't we go to the kitchen and fix up something you like?" She got up from her place and helped me get up.

As we were walking towards the I looked down at my wristwatch to see it was just 10 in the morning.

Suddenly, someone furiously knocked on the door. It startled mom and I at the same time. She gave me a look before walking towards the main door.

Who would it be? At this time of the day? And with such a hurry?

I didn't move from my spot, my entire focus was on the door. Who would pop out of it?

The door swung open and there stood a very very angry Ashley. With a magazine in her hand. She clutched it so tightly that it was crumpled. It didn't surprise her that I was here. Becuase as mom opened the door all she did was lock her target at me.

"Ashley wha-" Mom started to talk to her but she ignored her completely and marched towards me.

When she came to a foot away from me. She threw the magazine in front of us on the coffee table and glared at me - dead in the eyes. Her blue eyes were glowing more that usual. Anger was the reason.

"You did this. Didn't you? For revenge?" She asked in a icy tone.  I looked down at the magazine lying on the table and picked it up. She had already opened the page she wanted me to look at.

I read the main heading out loud "Victoria's Secret model, Nora Roberts caught in a scandal with Jason Nash of Nash Enterprise. Who is a 58 year old husband to Marie Nash. The pictures were sent to us by an anonymous" I looked down at the pictures that were never going to be erased from me mind even if I try. Disgusting.

I wonder who did it? I wonder what Rhys will do? I wonder why she thinks I did it?

I continued to read "We are sure that the old couple will file a divorce and Miss Nora's career is going to take it's fall. It is a shame for both parties. What I cruel world we all live in" I wanted to laugh out loud at their criticism.

"I didn't do it" I threw the magazine back at the table. Mom reached to pick it up and started to read as I looked at Ashley.

"What makes you think that I did it?" I crossed my arms in front of me.

"Becuase of what happened at the party" she whispered angrily, thinking as if mother didn't know what had happened.

Mom piped in this time "Ashley you don't have to whisper. Avery has already told me about your blunder. This girl! How could you do something so cruel to your own sister. You prefered a stranger over your sister! She married Rhys for your father. She didn't want to!" Now I was surprised. Who is this woman and what happened to the mother who always defended Ashley.

"You still haven't answered me yet" I took a step forward "What makes you think that I did it?"

"For revenge. Obviously. Since I was your sister. You didn't do it to me. But Nora is just a stranger and you don't care about her so you decided to ruin her" she explained with an ashamed tone. As the words were leaving her mouth she knew they sounded stupid and pathetic.

"You know me well. I don't have any kind of approach in the world you all live in. And these pictures? How the hell do you think I would have gotten them?" I said and started to fish out my phone from the hand bag. I couldn't stay here any longer.

I opened the text message and started to type to Sarah "Pick me up in 10 from my parent's house" and put it away.

I looked at Mom now "Sarah will pick me up in a few minutes. She and I have to go for breakfast. Why don't you talk with Ashley when I'm gone" my phone buzzed on my pocket and I took it out it said "In the drive way in 5. Come out" it said and I was surprised that she replied so fast.

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