When Nathan was close I felt so much warmer. Even if my bones continued to feel like ice. My skin was warmer. I bet he's doing it on purpose. Just trying to make me move or say something about feeling cold. Feeling something. But I can't. There is nothing left to feel. The ultimate betrayal is that of your own family. It's more than just a simple stab in the back. More than a hundred stabs in the back. More than a thousand. A hundred thousand. Nothing compares. The closest I can imagine to describe it is the feeling of being pushed off a four hundred thousand foot cliff, landing hard on a thousand rusty nails. Then having boulders of hail plummet from the sky, showering your body, cutting every inch of your body, bruising it and crushing every bone until it's smaller than a grain of sand. But no, it doesn't stop there. You're brought back by the slither of hope that it's all a lie, all a dream. Just before you get hit again with the force of a stampede, having reality come at you. You feel sick. Not just regular nausea. It goes beyond the feeling of impending bile ready to burn your esophagus, building with pressure. Your life crumbles. You feel the slow, painful sensation through every inch of your body as your heart shatters. You become numb. Cold. You tremble as your body freezes. Your breathing slows, blood freezing within your veins. You feel like you're about to die and you do. There is no longer anything left apart from the numbness of paralysis, locking your body in place. You can't sleep. You don't feel hungry or thirsty. Just empty.


Nathan returned and sighed at the sight. I hadn't moved. I don't even think I have blinked. He didn't move me, only pleading that I got up at some point, even if I just texted or called him so he knows I'm okay. He told me he unlocked the back door so I could go out if I wanted so as long I don't let myself catch a cold or freeze to death. Reluctantly he left with a kiss to my head, bound for work.

I remained staring at the wall. Periodically my phone buzzed, signifying I had received a text. I ignored it. Every single time I refused to flinch. I kept this up even as the amount of light rose and fell with the changing of hours, changing of weather. The temperature dropped as the day went on, getting lower and lower. There was only at one point it felt the slightest bit warmer. It didn't last long. The wind picked up as the day went on, fluctuating as time passed. Light soon became dark for good. I was wholly encased in darkness. I didn't mind. I didn't mind anything really. I'm all for the depths of hell.

"Alysha I'm home!" I heard a deep voice echo. I heard a door slam shut then heavy footsteps making their way up closer to my place. Dim light creeped around the corner of the doorframe until the main light blasted above me. I heard a deep, angry growl rip through silence. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

The footsteps were heavier, louder, closer. I felt myself being flipped over onto my back. I was greeted by the sight of fiery eyes. I wasn't phased. "You haven't moved at all today have you?!" An angry vampire snapped, fangs bared. I closed my eyes. I didn't care for this.

"Alysha I've had enough. I get that everything hit you really hard, I shouldn't have blurted it out and I wish I could take everything back. But I can't. What is said is done- can't change the past.. But that doesn't mean I'm going to just let you waste away because you couldn't care any less about your life right now! Who gives a flying fuck about your blood relations!? They don't care but I do. They don't want you but I do. And don't think I only want you for your blood because that's not true. Now you've got two options. One; you continue with ignoring me and everything else and end up in the basement until you snap out of whatever trace you are in. Or two: snap out of it now and talk to me." Nathan glowered.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with a blank look. His intense hard stare didn't let up. It didn't break me, rather him. Nathan stood up angrily, ripping the blankets off my body. Goosebumps littered my skin within a nano second. Nathan picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs. Ah well. Looks like I'm dying in his basement. Better late than never right? Should've died in there last year.

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