Memories (Harry Styles-Requested)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about last week, my mom wouldn't let me on the computer Monday-Wed so I'm starting over this week! This one goes out to wrecxingnarry! If you want read her first chapter of her story "Torn" its pretty good.


"Hello friends, family, and teachers of your 2014 high school graduates, I'm Kayla, your valedictorian." You greet to the audience, smiling and waving gently. "These past four years, I learned so many things. As time goes fast, you have to make the most of it, but not too much of course. We will all part to do our own thing; college, persuing a worldwide career, owning a business, or maybe just staying here doing what you like. By the next ten years or so, we'll probably forget about eachother, even the closest of friends." you think about your old best friend, Harry, who left back to England after the 8th grade.

"I had a best friend I've known since elementary. He moved to England before our freshman year. I thought he would call, write me, maybe swing by for a vist during vacations." you chuckle a bit, hiding your depression. "He didn't contact me at all, for four years. But that made me realize friends will come and go. Life will come and go. Things will go by so quickly that you won't be able to grasp those great moments and make them longer. It'll all be a memory before you know it. That's what high school is all about. Making moments last while you can, so maybe one day you'll run into a friend on a social media site or where you live and just talk about the wonderful memories you guys had together like prom, your first date, that one party you snuck out names though!" There was laughter from the audience and graduates and you laugh as well.

"You just have to make every second count. Try to keep friends by contacting them, hang out with them one good time befofe seperating, or take them on your jorurney. I will say out of all friends that I have, I only have like thirty phone numbers, a couple of kiks and I probably only contact ten of those friends...sorry other people." more laughter surrounded the auditorium. "It's not like you care because if so, you would've contacted me. Besides we all have that moment." you then laugh along with crowd quickly before continuing.

"But it's not always about friends. It's also about being successful in school, even though you do try to have the title of 'class clown' or go the biggest party ever, education always comes first." there were some nods and murmers. "I would try to struggle doing homework, going to practices, student council meetings and work. Not only that but I'm also trying to get that done so I can go to the mall, watch a game, or party and it's crazy! We all went through that these past four years but it's worth it because look at us. We're here in our cap and gown getting ready to graduate and live a happy and free life!" There's now cheers as you smile. "Who's ready to make every second count and live life?!" you yell out and the cheers were louder while there was a standing ovation from your school mates. "Thank you all so much for letting me be your valedictorian and I leave you here with the class of 2014!" There was now a standing ovation from the audience of friends, family and teachers as you walk away from the podium and to your school mates while they patted your back and gave hugs.

  The graduation ended perfectly and now you were at the after party. You talk to teachers as they congraulate you on the speech and on being a great student. You take pictures with your friends and family. Your family tells you they're leaving and to be home by 11 if you're heading anywhere else. You go back to talking to your friends when you hear a voice from behind you.

  "That was a nice speech, valedictorian."  you turn around to see a tall figure. Curly chestnut brown pulled back in a black beanie, a band t-shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and white converse. There's tattoos on his arms and some on his torso which is peeking through his shirt. You look into his familiar green eyes, while tears swell in yours, barley able to see his smile. "Miss me?"

1Dirty imagines (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora