Roped Together

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Connor could feel Zane shaking. The man hadn't been driving for about thirty minutes, while the woman stayed at the back still holding the knife. Zane let out a small whimper as they went over a bump in the road. Connor turned his head slightly. "I'm so sorry Zane.' He apologized.

Zane didn't answer too caught up in his own world to even realize Connor had said something. He simply stared ahead as the woman turned the knife in her hand. Curse her and her stupid knife. The car came to a sudden hault and the man swung the door open. 

The woman sliced the ropes keeping Zane's and Connor's legs together and did the same with the rope attaching Zane to Connor. She's pressed the knife back at Zane's throat. Follow me or he dies. Connor nodded and slowly climbed out after then woman and Zane.

They were in some sort of concrete building. Connor noticed the occasional pillar that held the roof up. It was mostly empty except for a few other cars and in the distance Connor swore he could see another person or Android. The woman began to walk towards a door on the opposite side of the large room.  Connor reluctantly walked next to the woman's her knife still ready at poor Zane's throat. They reached a door in the wall and the man, who had been almost silently following the three of them opened it.  They were greeted with a hallway. The lady led them down the hall and into a room on the right. 

In the room were two chairs, both equipped with restraints. The woman pushed Zane into the chair and began to put on the restraintsm cuffing his ankles and his wrists to the chair. The smas was done with Connor. By now Zane was staring straight ahead with horrified eyes. There was a moment of silence until the woman, Angie walked in. 

At the sight of her Connor began to struggle. "Connor stop.' She ordered. Connor looked down at his restraints. They showed no sighs  of being damaged in any way during his struggling. He sighed and went still. "Look we've been trying to kill you Connor, for awhile now, but you just won't die. We're frustrated beyond belief. Then we got an idea. So we're trying something different. You'll stay in this room until our goal is finished. Try to escape and your friend will suffer. You'll send messages and due stuff for us. You're lucky that we found out you were more useful alive" Connor struggled. "For fucks sake did you not hear what I just said. Emerald do your job."

The woman Emerald walked over to Zane and pressed the tip of the knife against one of his fingers. She applied a tiny bit of pressure and a small cut formed. Connor stopped struggling, knowing what was going to happen if he didn't. Angie held up a hand and then woman stepped away from Zane. Zane let out a sigh of relief. Angie walked over to Zane. 

"You're a little less worrisome. You're weaker. But the same goes for you. Struggle and RK800 pays the price." Zane was confused for a second, before he remembered that was Connor. Angie rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, shutting the door and turning off the lights, leaving them in complete darknesss. Well actually she really only left that unfortunate fate to Zane. Connor could see with his nightvison.

Connor could see the man and the woman Emerald standing too close to Zane. Emerald was wearing goggles, probably night visions so she could see. The man despite being Android was wearing them too. Connor  could see the terrified look on Zane's face and desperately wanted to break the chair he was in.

"Hey C-Connor." Zane stuttered. "Can you see anything."

"Yeah." Connor responded. 

"Are  people behind me." Zane asked as the woman snorted. "Never mind they are behind me. Okay so I know they're behind me." Zane breathed deeply. "Okay, Connor can-can you talk to me, it would really help." The man walked over to Connor and covered his mouth. "Connor?" Zane asked. "Connor you there." Zane squinted, trying to make something out in the darkness. Emerald moved so she was in front of Zane. Zane sensing her presence turned his head to the side to avoid her. 

"Connor fucking say something asshole." Zane shouted in desperation. The hands around Connor's mouth left.

"I'm right here." Connor said, and all the stress faded from Zane's face. He smiled gratefulley. Connor then watched in horror as the woman let the knife hover above Zane's head. Then she mouthed. "Disobey and this is what will happen to him." Connor nodded before speaking to Zane again.

"You doing okay over there?" Connor asked. Zane smiled anxiously.

"Could be better." Zane said nervously. "I'm going to die aren't I. I know you can see them  Connor are they they trying to-" The woman hit the handle of the knife into the Bauchi of Zane's head and he slumped forward unconscious. The man turned on the lights.

"What the hell was that for?" Connor asked.

The man shrugged. "We were kind of bored."

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