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The Police stormed into the underground hideout about twenty minutes after Chloe and Connor had found Kamski. The three had not moved from their spot, Do to all the intoxicated air around them. Kamski was immediately rushed off to a hospital, and several Android doctors were sent to take care of Connor's wounds. As soon as he was outside of the hideout, Hank was there saying something about how stupid he was, and that he was hurt. Connor simply smiled and hugged Hank.

"They had something." Connor told Hank as he hugged him. "A pen of some sorts. When it touched me. It felt like my insides were breaking and twisting and everything hurt." He held onto Hank tighter. "Hank I don't want to feel that again."

"You won't." Hank reassured him. Hank suddenly looked up. Ruby was running towards them. "Ruby?"

"You texted me that you were really glad that you got to meet me, I thought you were dying. So I tracked your phone and-"She looked around ti see all the police cars and ambulances. "What happened." Her eyes landed on Connor. She reached out a traced her finger over the burn mark on Connor's throat. "Oh my poor boy." She quickly joined the hug, and Connor began to sob into her trench coat, his body shaking with sadness and relief.

Someone cleared their throat behind them and the trio released each other to look at the person. Gavin stood there waving. "Hey Guys. They let me out of the hospital. Just wanted to see how you were doing. You look like shit Connor." Connor smiled.

"You too Lieutenant Reed." Connor retorted. It was true. Gavin looked tired and worn down and just shitty in general.

"Anyways I found this guy hiding in a ditch." Gavin said pulling out Evan from behind him. Evan looked at Connor and began to cry. "I don't know what's happening with him but it's not good." Connor walked up to Gavin and Evan. He pulled Evan from Gavin and hugged him.

"I hurt you." Evan cried. "I hurt you." Connor hugged him harder. "I'm a monster. I helped to make the pen, I'm sorry. I didn't know what it-I-it was for." Connor shushed Evan and Evan sighed and cried silently into Connor's shirt. Hank walked up next to Connor.

"Come on let's go home."

. . .

Connor lied in bed. He looked over at Evan. He was fast asleep. Despite it being midnight, Connor could not get himself to sleep. He ran his hand over the burn marks on his skin. He sighed and got up out of bed. He opened the door and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. He flicked on the light and sat there by himself.

Caption Fowler called him. Connor accepted the message and listened to the Captain voice in his head. "Connor, I just want you to know before I tell you anything that this is not your fault, and there's nothing that you could have done to prevent it." Connor's eyes widened. "Angie escaped the prison cell. She's on the loose. Our systems were hacked while most of the police officers were busy with the underground hideout."

"No, no, no, no." Connor began.

"Connor, you've done great, just take it easy okay."

"Okay." Connor responded as he slid down the wall. He felt sick to his stomach and wanted more than nothing to slam the back of his head against it. Mark had done it. Connor had failed. He knew he had to try again but he didn't want to and he just wanted this to be over. Connor hung up the phone and placed his head between his knees crying silently.

Connor didn't know how long he sat there crying, all he knew is that he eventually got up and walked back to his room. He wiped away his tears with his sleeve and crawled into bed next to Evan. Connor squeezed his eyes shut and tried to sleep. Anything.

"You okay." Evan asked, scaring Connor. "Why'd you leave?" Connor thought for a second before responding.

"I just was having trouble sleeping. Everything's fine Evan." He tried to hold back the tears. "Everything's Fine.

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