Good To Be Back

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Connor fiddled with the coin in his pocket as he tried to push back one of his new feelings, anxiety. Unlike most of the new feelings he had begun to experience, he despised this one. It made him feel weak.
The reason for his anxiety was simple. He was going back to work. It had been a week since androids had triumphed, and he had been notified yesterday that he could come back to work as a real cop. This part he was exited about. The reason for his worries was how people would react to him. He was never well liked. Especially not by Gavin.
Connor was at the lobby. He smoothed out his shirt and walked in. A female secretary smiled and opened the gate for him.
He walked into the familiar work area, and immediately spotted Hank at his desk. Hank looked up and shouted. "Connor get the fuck over here, I haven't seen you in a week."
Connor froze at Hank's sentence, feeling bad for upsetting him when hank walked over and gave him a hug. Connor leaned into the hug feeling happy. He liked happy. Hank pulled away and patted Connor on the shoulder. "Now come on, your desk is across from mine and and is super empty."
Hank and Connor walked back to their desks. Connor looked at Hanks name tag, which read Anderson, then looked back to his own. Connor. He didn't have a last name. He stared at Hanks desk. It was covered in personal items. He looked back at his own bare desk. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out the coin, placing it on his desk. He smiled. It was good to be back.

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