Of course, school had its own set of challenges. Katsuki Bakugou would be the prime example. So, it wasn't all that surprising when good 'ole Kacchan made his presence known to Izuku as he walked onto school grounds.

"HEY DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU, JUMPING OFF THE BUILDING LIKE THAT?!" screamed Katsuki. Izuku tried hard not to flinch but old habits do indeed die hard. However, he wouldn't let Katsuki step on him anymore. Izuku took a deep breathe to steady his breathing and wiped his eyes with his forearm to get rid of any forming tears.

"Why do you think?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as steady as he could. And before Katsuki could get a word in, like the boy knew he would, Izuku continued. "I jumped because I was tired of living. Tired of living because of idiots like you," Izuku pointed a finger accusingly at Katsuki, "Always telling me that I'm worthless just because I'm quirkless and that I'd be doing society a favor if I killed myself. Hell! You yourself even told to me to, and I QUOTE, 'swan dive off of the roof'. I was so tired and broken by you that I listened and swan dived off that roof." By this point, Izuku's words were raspy and cracking.


"Well I'm sorry that I've been emotionally and physically bullied by the likes of you while no one else did a damn thing," retorted the green haired boy. By this point, tears were starting to spill.

"HUH?! THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY, YOU BRAT?" Roared the blond as a small explosion flickered to existence in his right hand.

"You think you can get off scot-free because you have a cool quirk. A flashy quirk. That because of it, your actions have no consequences?! Well guess what? YOUR ACTIONS DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES!" Yelled Izuku, voice cracking as ugly tears streamed down his face.

In a fit of rage, Katsuki did the only thing he knew how to in any confrontational setting: blow shit up. And the closest thing to blow up? Izuku Midoriya's face.

Katsuki extended his palm to Izuku's face and ignighted a mighty explosion. The heat from the blast was so intense that it instantly burned off more than half of the boy's face, leaving only seared flesh and blackened bones. The accompanying odor was disturbingly akin to burning steak.

However, to Izuku, the most shocking thing about the explosion wasn't the heat, pain, or even smell. In fact, the most shocking thing wasn't even the explosion itself. It was what happened after the explosion.

What had been previously charred flesh and exposed bone was quickly covered in a sickly black fog that smelled of rotting flesh and felt like ice. Izuku could feel his face stitch itself together again, as if the fog was both a needle and a thread with his face being the fabric. However, he could feel something else. Something dark, yet eerily familiar.

The cold sucked away his precious heat like the encroaching frost on an autumn night. Izuku desperately tried to regain his heat back, willing it to come back. He didn't want to go back into the cold. Unfortunately for Izuku, the precious warmth wasn't willing to stay, so the greedy cold took him eagerly. The boy, left too tired to stay warm, conceded to the cold and crumpled to the ground like a rag doll being dropped, completely unaware of anything.


The white haired male stood close by, observing the fellow reaper's interaction with an explosively loud boy. So, when the blond decided to, you know, blow up the other's face, Kaido was there to help. Thank Fate that he was a paramedic.

Leaving his spot next to a nearby tree, Kaido strode toward the boys at a brisk pace, stuffing his hands in a white leather bomber jacket.

"Hey, what's going on here?" asked the reaper. The blonde jerked his head to face the the white haired male. However, the boy didn't look pissed, or even annoyed. He look horrified. Horrified for himself, or horrified about what he had just done, Kaido wasn't too sure, but he was sure that he had to help the young reaper. Unfortunately for him, Katsuki suddenly decided that now was the perfect time to start lashing out again. Just not at the semi-alive adult.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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