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Awsten's day was very boring, to say the least. He would've fallen asleep in English if it wasn't for his phone buzzing in his pocket. Luckily his teacher didn't hear it, because the old fashioned man was not a huge fan of phones in general, especially not in the classroom.

He grabbed his phone to see who had messaged him, of course it was Geoff.

Hey, you busy?

What do you reply to that? Yes, Awsten was busy, but he couldn't just say that. So what would he say? And also, Geoff couldn't know that Awsten was at school.

not really

He figured that was the best option, he just hoped Geoff wouldn't ask him what he's doing. He would have to lie even more and then everything would get even more complicated.

Suddenly the bell rang, and it scared the shit out of Awsten, making him drop his phone to the floor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Please don't be broken. Please, please, please!" he said as he slowly got up to pick up his phone. "Please," he said one last time, before turning it around: broken.

"Fucking shit! Fuck!"

"Knight! Language," Awsten heard his teacher yell, he forgot that he was still in the classroom for a second.

He mumbled a faint 'sorry' before hurrying out the door, luckily he had lunch right now, together with Otto.


"Otto! Otto, my phone! I broke my- oh god," Awsten was out of breath when he arrived at the table where he and Otto usually sat. He had ran the whole way there, not really knowing why. "My phone! It broke! It won't even turn on anymore- oh god. I don't have any money! And now I can't reply to Geoff-"

Otto laughed. "Dude, calm down, I can barely understand you," he said. Awsten was still out of breath now, so he decided to sit down. He gave Otto his phone, letting his head fall in his hands.

"I dropped it, and now it's broken, and now I can't turn it on anymore, which means that I can't text Geoff! Fuck!"


finally a new chapter that took so long dammit i'm sorry

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