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"Awsten, fucking hell, why are you so happy? Did you fuck your crush or something?" Otto yelled; he was really curious, and he hated that his friend didn't tell him everything.

"Fine! I talked a lot to Geoff last night, it was fun," Awsten said, smiling at the memory of their conversation.

Otto scoffed. "That's it? Listen buddy, I know he makes you happy, but he can never date you! He's 9 years older than you, he won't fall in love with a kid."

"Maybe he won't fall in love with a kid, but he'll fall in love with me," Awsten spoke.

"You're a kid!" Otto yelled.

"He doesn't know that!"

"He'll find out! What if he asks you how old you are?"

"He already did," Awsten murmured.

"So he does know you're a kid?" his friend asked.

Awsten bit his nail. "Not exactly. He thinks I'm 22," he said.

"Oh my god."

Otto sighed and covered his face with his hands. He knew his friend was in love, but how could he be so stupid? There was already no chance that Geoff and Awsten would date, but at least they could be friends.

Now Geoff probably doesn't even wanna be friends with him, after he finds out he's been lied to, and Awsten will be heartbroken.

"Awsten," Otto said sternly. He knew he had to do something now, Awsten couldn't keep living this lie, it had to stop right away.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just want him to like me, you know? He's amazing,"

Otto put his arm around his friend. "I know, bud, but he's not going to like you because you lied to him. If he wants to date you now, he'll find out you're not 22 anyways."

"I know, I'm stupid. Sorry."

"It's okay, but you have to tell him the truth, yeah? The sooner the better."

Awsten nodded in reply to that, he knew he was lucky to have a friend like Otto.


listen some of y'all read and vote right after i update and that makes me one happy motherfucker

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