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"What the hell, man! I'm not on Twitter for three fucking days, and you become friends with Geoff Wigington? How the fuck?" Otto yelled at his best friend through the phone.

"Um," Awsten was thinking about telling Otto how he first got in touch with Geoff. Otto would definitely laugh at him, but he decided to tell him anyways, since they were best friends after all. "Well I kinda send a weird message and then he was weirded out and then we started talking and yeah. We're not friends, though."

Otto was confused for a while. "What kind of weird message?"

"I send 'fuck me'," the now blue haired boy murmured.

Because he was speaking so softly, Otto couldn't hear him. "Huh?"

"I said, I send 'fuck me'," Awsten spoke a little louder, but Otto was still unable to hear him.

"Awsten, speak the fuck up!"

"I asked him to fuck me, okay! God.." he yelled at his friend.

Otto started laughing right away. "Y-you.. You what?"

"Shut up," instead of laughing about it like Otto, Awsten was mildly annoyed.

"Oh come on, Aws, it's funny. You've got to send me screenshots!"

Awsten sighed. "Don't even think about it."

"Pretty please! Please, please, please, please!"

"Fine! If it'll make you shut up," the younger boy replied.

"Maybe," his friend giggled.


otto is a gift from the gods

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