The guard squinted his eyes at me and launched spit into my cell. "Oh my, saliva, so scary," I said flatly.

"I'm surprised at you Astrid, that's such a bitch move to play," Abby said walking towards my cell. I took another bite of banana. "Well you know, when you're hanging around one it becomes contagious," I replied.

"Somebody better call the FDA then," Abby told me. I kept my eyes on her. "They shall. And I'll give them a recommendation of who to exterminate first, the one who started it all," I said.

"You're charming," Abby stated.

"I would give you a compliment too, but there's none to give," I replied smiling.

"Wipe that smile off your face, you'll be dead in 72 hours, during which I'll kill everyone you've ever loved," Abby told me.

"72 hours, huh? I've got time to kill. Tell me, when is the next bingo game?" I asked. Abby growled, clearly frustrated with me. "Why aren't you begging, Astrid? I'm going to take everything away from you all in one day, during which you'll be dead and there will be no one to stop me. Which means the only time to beg for their lives to be spared is now," Abby replied.

"Because Abby," I got up from my spot on the floor and walked towards her, "I know that my pack will fight with everything they have, even if it means giving up their lives to get rid of you."

"You seem overly confident," Abby stated.

"I guess it's another virus I caught as I'm spending more time with you," I replied. Abby growled and turned away, leaving me to my lunch. I took that time to enjoy every piece of my lunch and thinking about baby names. I know that I should discuss them with Jacob but I couldn't find it within me to stop. My baby needed a name whether I would die or not. After a while, I took a nap, letting dreamland take over me.

"What's the baby's name?" Matt asked later that day. I didn't look at him, instead I stared at a wall within my cell. "Astrid, I know you hate me right now but I'm telling you that-" Matt started.

"Matthew, in not going to listen. There is probably nothing you haven't told me before. So I don't want to hear it," I said. Matt looked at the floor for an instant then back up to me. "You don't know that I don't want anything apart of Abigail's plans," Matt replied. I finally looked over at him. "What are you talking about? You're mates and mates stick together through everything," I said then added, "Well, mostly everything."

"I know, I know. Astrid, I wish I could explain everything to you. The only problem is-"

"The only problem is you are severely bipolar," I stated.

"Will you stop interrupting?" Matt asked annoyed.

"Why should I? I don't even know if I can trust you anymore," I told him.

"So you're saying I have to earn your trust?" Matt asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. I just need to focus on getting my baby out of this hellhole," I answered. Matt nodded. "Do you know what the baby is?" Matt asked. I shook my head. "I don't know what it is, I don't know if I would have, but either way I do know that I probably will never find out," I said.

"Astrid, I'm sorry. you deserve better than me as a friend. I thought Abby would set the right path for me and that everything would be okay again. I can't chose my mate," Matt told me.

"You sure can't. I guess we've both learned that lesson, Matthew," Abby said. I never knew when to expect her presence. She tends to leave for a while and pop in after snooping on one's conversation. Matt looked suddenly worried. "Abby, you know that I don't agree to this, I don't like it," Matt said.

"Oh I know Matthew, I've know for a while which grew me to trying to force you, but wasn't working I guess. What a shame," Abby replied.

She snapped her fingers, sending in two men who grabbed Matt. I stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked. Abby swung her leg up and kicked Matt in the gut. His body lurched forward, starting to curl up like an armadillo, but the men straightened him back up. "You know I really hate hurting you Matthew, but I can't have anyone standing in my way, even if that includes my mate," Abby said ignoring me. She turned back around and in an instant threw her leg at Matt's gut again, this time sending him to the floor. "Stop it!" I yelled running to the cell bars and holding onto them.

"As for you Astrid," Abby said turning to me. I stepped back, away from the bars. "What?" I asked hesitantly. Abby tapped her chin as if in thought. "I'm thinking about rearranging your death," Abby told me.

"You're taking a lot if time into planning this. Don't you have some free time, a hobby, something?" I asked.

"You have a nice way of creating comebacks right away," Abby said.

"At least I'm making something in the spot. I mean if I was planning my enemy's death it would have been done by now," I replied. Abby bit her tongue from keeping herself from saying something. "Take her to the stage!" she finally ordered.

The men opened up my cell and I prepared myself for what was coming.

The She Alpha's Mark (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora