Everything, Everything - I am Unique

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Another old standalone!


I must say, when I read the prompt for the "Everything, Everything" contest, I was at a loss. I couldn't think of any different characteristic that I hold that nobody else possesses. That's when the idea struck me.

It is rather a cliche thought, especially seeing as I'm writing this on Wattpad, of all places, but what makes me unique is my writing.

Nobody else can dream up the stories I can. They are a product of my own overreactive imagination.

Nobody else can create my characters. I breathe life into them, write their histories and their futures alike onto the page.

My stories and the people that inhabit them are mine and mine alone. Sure, many of them were inspired by other great works, but so what? Every great creator got their ideas from somewhere, were influenced by something.

My novels are what make me, me. They are how I express myself, share my creativity. They are how I expel the countless worlds and people banging against the front of my skull, begging to be released.

So maybe I am not special for the simple act of writing. Maybe I am not different for the sheer drive to create and share my form of expression with the world.

However, the content within my stories, the countless pages I have penned? This is where the originality lies.

This is where I am unique.

Nonfiction/Historical Fiction Contest EntriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora