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I have only one piece of advice that can apply to writers universally: there is nothing that can apply to writers universally. This may seem a bit paradoxical, but let me explain.

There are writers all over the world, from chilly Canada to sub-Saharan Africa. They hail from all walks of life, from mansions on Beverly Hills to residences that can barely be called houses. The one thing that can unify all of these drastically different people is their passion: writing.

Beyond that, there is nothing. No style, no genre, and no point of view is perfect for all writers. However, so often, aspiring authors get the impression that if they do not do something a certain way, their hard work is worthless.

Writing is the one craft in which nobody should feel that way. By nature, it is freeing and diverse, resulting in original, wonderful stories.

Never let anyone tell you that your writing has to be like someone else's or follow certain rules - because while certain things might help you with certain aspects of writing, only one thing is true when it comes to comparing yourself to others: there is nothing that can tie you all together.

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