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Chapter one
New roommate

Jeff's POV

I sat in my room sharpening my knife. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I shout.

"It's Jane. Slenderdouche needs us." I hear Jane shout back. I roll my eyes and keep my knife in my hand. I open the door and shove past Jane.

"Hey! Watch it, dumbass!" I flip her off as I go downstairs. I sit on the arm of the couch next to EJ.

"Soooo what does Slendy need?" I ask him.

"We're getting a new pasta, probably." He answers.

Oh great... Another dumbass to deal with.

Suddenly Slenderman teleports in with a boy next to him. The boy looked like Link from the Legend of Zelda video game series, except his eyes were black with red pupils and blood coming from his eyes. He also looked shy. I raise an eyebrow.

"Children, this is Ben Drowned. A new pasta. Please treat him well." Was all Slender said before teleporting off somewhere. I hop off the arm of the couch.

"Welp, I'm going in my room. Anyone bother me, they get stabbed." I announce and go upstairs to my room. I go in my room and shut the door.

Ben's POV

Who the hell was that..? I silently stand there looking at the ground. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up. I see a person with a blue mask, with black goo coming out of the sockets. He kneels down so he's my height. God damn I hate being short.

"Hey you okay kid?" He asks. I only nod.

"Can you talk?" I nod again.

"Pft. Do you just not like to talk?"

"N-Not really...." I mumble.

"Well, my name's EJ. Short for Eyeless Jack."

"Why is your name Eyeless Jack..?" I ask. He moves his mask so I can see his face. He still had some goo coming from his eyes. But.. That's when I realized, he didn't have eyes. I look at him in shock. He grins and shows his sharp, jagged teeth. He moves his mask back into its place.

"Yeah. That's why." He chuckles. He gets up from his crouched position.

"Hmm. Hold up and stay here. I'll be back in a sec." EJ says and leaves. I look around before I spot a TV. I smile and go up to it.

"Uhh k-kid? What're you d-doing? That old t-thing doesn't even w-work anymore." One of them with orange goggles asks but I don't reply. I gently run my hand over the screen before I feel a shock and I pull my hand back slightly. My smile grows wider. I touch the same spot again and this time my hand goes through the screen. I could tell they were all shocked. I pull my hand back again.

Welp. Experiment done.
I sit by the TV waiting for EJ to come back.

A couple minutes later EJ came back down. He looks and spots me and comes up to me.

"Hey Ben. Slenderman said you can choose someone to share a room with. Weeee kinda don't have any more rooms." He says. I light up at this and hop up.

"Calm down, calm down." EJ says.

"Sorry." I apologize.

"Hmm lets see... You can share with Sally, me, Jeff, LJ which I don't recommend.. Uhh.. Jane, or Vincent." He says.

"Is Jeff the one he said that he'd stab anyone who bothered him..?" I ask. EJ nods.

"Yeah. But if it's someone he doesn't like he honestly doesn't care." EJ says. I think for a moment. Then I nod.

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