the Space battle

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The doors close just after Ganondorf and his friends get in. Ashley challenges him to a micro-game duel for the key.

When the temple is in space, Ganondorf gets the key, but then they play keep away with the enchanted chest which gets thrown out of the temple.

Ganondorf loses his extra lives and points for jumping out first and goes after it.

Wario farts to push himself through space and threw Waluigi like a spear.

The chest emitted a large box with the keyhole on the top

Albus is teleported to the cube around the chest with the door potion Ashley left at Hogwarts

"Expiliamus" Albus shouted blasting the key out of Ganondorf's hand; the key orbits around the cube and Albus catches it.

"Give me the key," he demanded

"Never!" he replied

"then I'll just have to pry it from your cold dead hands!"

Waluigi arrived

Ganondorf shot an energy ball, Waluigi bats it with his tennis racket

After he is shot down with it, Waluigi stomps on Ganondorf. The fight continues until Waluigi finally looses.

Ganondorf jumps back to where Albus stood "Where were we." He said walking towards Albus

Albus held his position with his Wand trembling

Ganondorf was about to grab him when Ashley flew around on her broom.

Her hair turned white and her eyes glowed red. She pointed her wand and blasted Ganondorf into orbit with a powerful curse.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!" he cried as he flew off tumbling into space

Zelda's loss wasn't in vain


Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne

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