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"Shit, I died," I groan as am eaten by the 'Infected' on 'The Last of Us' game. They give me entertainment, so I play a variety of games. Mostly to do with zombies and stuff like this, the 'Infected'. I am currently sat in my room, cross-legged on my bed with my brother sat beside me who is apparently giving me advice on how to play. Well, look how that turned out. 

"Alfie, if you claim you know to play this, then you play. By the way, just because you've watched Pewdiepie play the game like that, doesn't mean it's going to work," I tell him, passing him the PS4 controller. He takes it and retrys from where I died.

"But if it worked for Pewds, then it has to work," He shrugs, his eyes focused on the screen.

"No it doesn't. Maybe he got lucky, maybe that worked for him. It isn't going to work for everyone, since there is different time delays and crap. Just avoid the damn infected and jump up there away from them." I sigh, running a hand through my hair and falling down onto my bed.

"Yes! I did it," Alfie cheers, still carrying on playing my game. Oh you know, I didn't buy that or anything, just carry on playing it. 

"Did Pewdiepie do it that way?" I ask, knowing he obviously didn't. He slowly shakes his head, and then looking down at the controller and then focusing back on the screen. I smirk and then watch him carry on playing, not bothering to ask for the controller. He'll give it back when he's scared or gives up trying to not die.

Alfie is all I have to spend my time with, since I don't talk to many people in school, I have like one or two friends and I wouldn't even class them as best friends. They would talk to me and sit with me at lunch and that's about it. We don't go out, go to each others houses, go shopping and shit. We just talk. The reason I don't talk to many people is because I don't like it and it always end up in arguments, tears etc. So I just don't bother and it's benefited me so far. I don't get involved with boys for just about the same reasons. Who I'd class as my best friends really is my laptop and phone. 

Alfie has always been there for me, obviously because we are related and he can't really go anywhere, but as in he's helped me, he's seen me at my worse and supported me no matter how many arguments we have. Since our shitty parents don't care about us and we know that for a fact. They gave us a roof over our heads and food. Which I am grateful for, since there are many suffering, I'm not being selfish here. But well, my parents, care more about going out and socialising with some random people and partying than they care about us. Anyway, Alfie, we've supported each other, though he can be a dick at times, but so can I. We do argue, but which siblings don't? Pretty much all do. We both share the money we earn to buy things we want since our parents won't, they are just paying for theirselves. 

I am older than Alfie, he's 16 and I'm 19, so when we were younger I had to take care of him. I was probably more than a mum to him than his own mum was which sounds pretty weird but that was just how it was. We took care of each other. I actually don't know where I'd be if he wasn't here, alive, breathing, being my brother.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After we both gave up on the game, after both trying numerous of times to not die, we failed so I suggested we stop and play another time. He agreed and left my room probably to go to his own.

I'm still laid on my bed, facing the ceiling with my phone in hand gripping it so it doesn't fall on my face like it has countless of times. I scroll through my twitter when a certain tweet catches my eye.

''OneDirectionUpdates: 1D Member Harry Styles spotted in Leeds, near Elland Road' 

I read and instantly a smile makes it way to my face. Normally, I don't smile as I see no reason to, it doesn't make you feel better, it makes you think, is it real or genuine. It's rare for me to smile, and well Harry and just about all One Direction members do that.

Anyway, Leeds, Elland Road. That's literally 10 minutes away. Finally something good has happened to me. I shove my phone into my back pocket of my shorts and grab my black jacket. 

"Off to get a selfie with Harry Styles, bye!" I shout throughout the house then slamming the front door without having my parents say anything. I walk towards Elland Road stadium and as I near it there is already deafening screams and I groan. Of course people have to beat me here, screaming at him. I, won't scream at him since, oh you know, he might need his ears. 

I see people, mainly girls, of course, some with parents who look fed up and annoyed. I would be too. I roll my eyes at the 12 year olds that are here, claiming Harry is theirs and nobody else can touch him or even make eye contact with him because he is property to them. No, if you take a good look at the age difference, you might want to reconsider. 

I wouldn't call myself an hardcore fan, one who screams at everything they do. Oh look, they took a shit, scream. They are drinking out of a water bottle 'OMG OMG LOOK HES SO CUTE helP'. Right, because drinking out of a water bottle is now 'cute'? No, drinking out of a water bottle is something just about everybody has done. I don't get why you have to exaggerate it just because they are famous. 

I like One Direction, yes,  because of their unique style of Music. They put their feelings into a song, they speak, well sing, from experiences. I admit, they are cute, or hot, whatever you'd want to call it, but I wouldn't turn everything they do into a round of screams. Literally, there are people going crazy for doing ordinary things, what's the difference between a normal person and a famous person do it? Nothing, why? Because incase you didn't know, they are normal just have a job which makes them more well known than others. Then we have the media that can turn making eye contact with a girl their age into a 'New love interest'. Actually, their eyes just made contact. Pretty much what 'eye contact' means. They looked at each other, we all do it, it's a part of life. They hang out with a girl, it's a new love interest. So can they not be friends with girls now? It must be so frustrating to be 'famous'. I'd hate it.

I look around at my surroundings, and I am at Elland Road Stadium where there are still fans, and because they are blocking I don't get a glimpse of Harry. So much for that selfie. I sigh and take a seat on a nearby bench. Hopefully, the crowd will die down, but I really doubt that unless their parents find a way to somehow pull them away from Harry. You might need the strongest man in the world for that.

I rub my arms as it is chilly out and this jacket isn't providing much warmth. I look around again to where the screams are heard and I see the familiar brown hair, pulled back by a bandana who is on the phone with who I'm hoping to be his bodyguards. That would be really useful. I decide that there is no point me even being here since Harry isn't communicating much, just smiling and waving, trying to actually get past and go to his destination until the fangirls hunted him down. 

I stand up from my seat and begin walking in the direction of my house. I reach my house and enter, closing the door behind me. I go into the kitchen, grab a packet of Malteasers then walk upstairs to back to my room. I sit on the floor against my bed and lean back against the board. 

To think, I thought something good was going to happen.

But that just doesn't happen to me, does it?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

so that was the first chapter lol hoped you like it. kali is kinda like in a 'i hate everyone' phase and she has been since forever n yeah. 

lol sadly no harry yet im sorry but hes coming soon okay 

vote, comment, follow or watever idk

give me feedback on this 


Selfie // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now