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In a cab across town, I paid for the fare and stepped out onto the busy sidewalk. A Walgreens store appeared right in front of me as I entered through the automatic door and grabbed a basket that hooked onto my arm. I started off in the dairy aisle first, making sure to grab a bottle of milk for work while picking up a couple of boxes of tea for Mr. Knox. He always loved it when I would make him his tea on a daily basis. Said he could never get enough of it. That's when I made my first impression.

Two aisles over in the snack and candy department, I was in the mood for something sweet as a way to help celebrate my new found promotion. And there it was right in front of me. Chocolate. At least two dozen different kinds of chocolate stuck out and they all sounded so good, to begin with. But it was hard to choose. M&M's, Snickers, Butterfinger, Hershey's. In the end, I couldn't decide to go with just one so I said fuck it and got two. Problem solved. That is until I heard a voice standing beside me.

"M&M's and Hershey's, not bad. But my favorite is the Three Musketeers."

His voice was alluring and definitely very British. I inhaled next and caught the scent of his cologne. It was subtle with a fine dark spice and a hint of citrus. I glanced at him on a whim and remembered the clothes that he had on from earlier. And that's when it hit me. He was the biker whom I saw on the street The guy that revved his engine at me twice as I walked across the busy intersection. And if that was the case, then he must've been the man who met with Mr. Knox at the office this morning and who I served to.

I exited out of my thoughts for a moment and opened my mouth like a fish. "Your Royal Highness!" I squeaked. "Please, forgive me. I didn't realize it was you."

A flush of pink colored his cheeks as he chuckled, trying not to smile. "No harm done. It's my fault."

Now I was the one who felt awkward. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be on a plane by now, heading for England."

"I changed my itinerary. I'm leaving in the morning."

Christ, this man was everything a normal guy in today's society wasn't. I mean, he really had it all. Looks, manners, money and the freedom to do whatever he wanted. It's no wonder that all the popular tabloids were calling him THE WORLD'S HOTTEST UNFORGETTABLE BACHELOR. When really all the man wanted was to lead a quiet life. But I guess that's hard when you're a member of the Royal Family. To be constantly followed by endless paparazzi with a team of heavily trained bodyguards to protect you.

Now that is a lifestyle I don't think I could ever do.

"Yes. Of course," I replied with a friendly smile. "Well if you don't mind, Sir, I'm sorry but I really must be going. It was nice to have met you."

I bowed my head as a form of respect and kindly retreated a few steps back before turning around and heading down the aisle. I didn't know it then, but my whole body was shaking like a leaf. I tried to calm myself down as I walked up to the counter and empty out the basket. A female associate asked if I had found everything to which I nodded, without saying a word. When the total came up, I paid in cash, put the receipt in the bag and walked right out the door. Only I didn't get very far.

"May I offer you a ride home?" His Royal Highness asked, standing next to a glossy black motorcycle.

"Oh. No, thank you, Sir. But I appreciate the kind gesture."

He frowned. "You know, it's the against the law to refuse the prince of England."

"Is it? And what sort of punishment would there be for a such a heinous crime?"

The air around me shifted, growing denser as a sense of heat rushed through me at the sound of his voice. I didn't need to look back to know that he was standing right behind me. Even more so, I could feel a strange power ripple through his clothes and seep into my skin. It felt real and alive, almost electric and most of all surprisingly stimulating. I turned to face him in the very instant, my eyes glued to the ground. I watched his hand twitch, his fingers curling into a fist. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say he wanted to touch me.

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