Chapter 11: Threats

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Chapter 11: Threats

 It was the cold that woke Dallas up.

He opened his eyes, his hands feeling for a weight and warmth that had left him. He sat up and looked but Ilia wasn't around.

He paused for a moment, listening and, as he thought, he could hear typing coming from her computer room. It was almost as if the night before hadn't happened except, he noticed with a wry smile, she hadn't pulled back the heavy curtains to let the sunlight in.

Dallas stood and followed the sound of the gentle, rhythmic ticking to the second room.

Sitting cross legged on her chair, Ilia was typing away at something that looked more complicated than he would ever understand.

“Morning.” he said and almost regretted it because she jumped and squeaked. “Sorry.”

“Hey.” she smiled at him, obviously still a bit shaken.

“I'm surprised you don't have a hangover.” he laughed. She didn't look any worse for the wear except for the shadows in her eyes.

“Whiskey doesn't give me a hangover.” she stuck her tongue out at him. Then she stood and walked over to him and threw her arms around his waist. “Thanks for cleaning the kitchen, by the way.” her voice was sarcastic.

“Yeah, I sort of forgot about it.” he said honestly. Hearing Dorina was blacklisted had driven everything else from his mind.

“It'll take forever to get the smell of alcohol out of my kitchen.” she smiled, not really angry about it.

“Are you okay?” Dallas asked gently, putting his arms around her as well.

She looked away from him, her smile falling. “Not...really.”

“Jack and I want to know if it might be someone you used to date. Like a guy who might be a bit too stuck on you?” Dallas was almost completely certain it wasn't but overlooking anything was a mistake.

“Remember how I said the girls my dad dated were never sad to see him go?” she asked. “I've got that same gift. Most of the guys I saw are married now, the others weren't sad to see me go. I'm the love 'em and leave 'em type, you know?”

“Not really.” he ran his fingers through her hair. “I can't imagine wanting to leave you.”

“Stop.” she pushed him away but he saw the blush dusting across her cheeks. “Did you see who it was at all?”

Dallas shook his head. “He must have had a car nearby.”

Ilia sighed and hugged herself. “That's cool, I guess.”

“Don't worry.” Dallas resisted the urge to reach for her. “I'll keep you safe. Now go get some real clothes on before Warren and Josh get here.”

“I'm fine.” she shrugged, indifferent.

Dallas was about to insist on it but she just looked so frail. Like a feather in the wind that had been blow about just a bit too much. Beautiful and delicate, but worn and, though not broken, definitely cracked.

“How about this:” he said instead, “let's go out.”

“Out?” she repeated, a bit confused. “You mean, out out?”

“You do need to go Christmas shopping.” he shrugged, trying to appear as indifferent as her. It went against his more basic instincts to let her out of the safety of the house but it was worse to see that slightly haunted look in her eyes. Ilia had never been meant for the life that he led. The sudden certainty that she was meant to be in his arms that overwhelmed him last night suddenly dimmed. If she couldn't handle things like this, maybe it would be better for him to leave from her life after all this was over...

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