Chapter 3: Introductions

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Chapter 3: Introductions

She was humming.

That was all Dallas could think as he watched Ilia flutter about her house like a, well, fairy.

The door to her room was shut and every now and again Dallas heard the faint call of a bird. But the rest of the house was open and free for him to peruse at his will.

Her house wasn't dirty, nor was it really neat. It was lived in. A perfect blend of a bit of a mess and clean. There were no dishes in her sink, but there was a blanket tossed carelessly on the couch where he sat. His blanket, in fact. That he had slept under last night while listening to the muted sounds of flutes coming from her room.

He tried folding it and putting it up, but it somehow managed to find itself back on the couch in a messy heap.

There were knick-knacks everywhere, though not a speck of dust he could find. It was bright and cheerful and homey.

And Ilia was dancing about, humming softly to herself, while rock blared from the speakers in her living room.

Who hummed along to rock?

She was tidying up, putting things back in their proper places. All the while, ignoring the blanket on her couch that Dallas was considering re-folding.

But Ilia insisted that he do nothing. He was a guest, he should just relax while she worked.

Dallas didn't argue mostly because he wanted to watch her.

Not just because she was incredibly attractive and watching her was like watching a ballet. He genuinely needed to study her. He hadn't been a bodyguard in a long time but he hadn't forgotten the basics. He needed to know Ilia as well as he knew himself. Her reactions, her instincts, her habits; it was all vital. If he wasn't prepared for how she would react in a certain situation, he might fail at his job.

He was staring.

Ilia knew full well that he was staring, she didn't really care. She wasn't one to be self-conscious about what she did. Besides, maybe her wiggling about and dancing in front of him would finally break through that damned polite smile he never seemed to lose.

Ever since they stepped out of the car, it was like that moment of pure electricity between them hadn't existed. He was polite and kind and watchful.

And it wasn't fair!

Last night had been the first night Ilia had spent in four and a half months that she couldn't sleep because dangerously erotic thoughts were keeping her up.

And all of them centered around that cowboy on her couch!

Maybe turning her hips a bit and dancing around would get to him. It was only fair, after all.

But it wasn't all that unusual for her to dance while she cleaned. She really should have done it before the cowboy arrived but she had spent that time being sinfully slothful, as planned. However, Boo-boo and his bodyguard would be here before long so she really would have to tidy up.

And it's not like Boo-boo was going to be living with her for the foreseen future. Just that soft smiling cowpoke.

“So, Cowboy,” Ilia broke their silence, except for the music of course.

“My name is Dallas.” He corrected her.

“Yeah, yeah.” Ilia waved his words away as she smiled at him across her half-wall separating the kitchen and living room. “I was just wondering. How was Romania?”

His smile turned just a bit snarky. He knew what she was after. Jackie must have warned him. Damn.

“Romania was fine, thank you for asking.” he said unhelpfully.

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