Sundew's Secret (Blue)

Start from the beginning

"Like us?" Blue asked.

"Respect you." Sundew said. "I don't do feelings."

Cricket giggled histerically making Blue's cheeks heat up again for some reason. The lack of sleep was finally getting to him.

"What's taking her so long?" Blue asked, noticing that Belladonna had been gone a while. The other hundred LeafWings were standing around holding their breaths in anticipation. 

Sundew's expression changed. "The Queen rarely makes a public appearance. She likes to keep her subjects waiting. It... uh builds up tension and theatrics."

"Queen? Wh-"

Sundew cut him off. Silence fell around the jungle just like when Blue and Cricket first arrived. The morale was buzzing with fear and excitement. Sundew along with the rest of the LeafWings bowed down and formed a path that lead to their guests. 

Cricket gasped and wrapped her talons around Blue's arms, holding him close. Belladonna swept gracefully back down the path looking less regal. Everyone's eyes turned to the new dragon who waltzed slowly behind Sundew's mother. 

She was the biggest LeafWing Blue had ever seen. Probably the biggest dragon he had ever seen.    

The Queen's entire body was covered in horrific scars from years of pain in battle. Her face was so aged that Blue started to believe she could've been Clearsight's best mate. He had seen elderly dragons before, but the LeafWing Queen looked at least over a hundred. Possibly even older. Her wide grey eyes stared Blue and Cricket down like they were no more than an irritating fly to her.

"Blue, Cricket. This is Queen Sequoia. Our longest-serving Queen." Belladonna announced with a hint of pride in her voice.

Blue had seen numerous murals and mosaic paintings of Queen Sequoia but they didn't even begin to shine a full light on the queen's jaw-dropping presence.

"B-but that's not possible. Queen Sequoia ruled over seventy years ago. She was rumoured to have died in the tree wars." Cricket said, her voice shaking.

"And so were the rest of these LeafWings. Were they not?" Queen Sequoia's voice was raspy and soft but full of patience. Blue tried to stop his jaw from falling off it was gaping so wide. The old queen's powerful aura left him in absolute awe. "But look around you young HiveWing. Anything is possible." She lifted her chin, regarding Cricket's grasp on Blue's arm. Cricket let go awkwardly and looked down at her claws.

Sequoia stepped forward closer and closer to her guests. "I heard you found the Book." She smiled coyly.  "Come on now, spill me it's secrets."

"We would... if there were any." Cricket said matter-of-factly. "The Book of Clearsight was full of wisdom, I must admit. But Clearsight's last prediction was for over two hundred years ago. Queen Wasp only used to inflict fear. When really, it showed her no power."

The Queen pondered on this for a long moment. "That old bat can't help herself!" Blue was actually relieved that Sequoia believed them... but the news only made her more mad. "So this means that the HiveWings are powerless after all! This is the perfect time for our rebellion!"

Cricket stiffened. "Wait! Please you can't start a war!"

"Hmmm why not?" Queen Sequoia asked glaring at Cricket. I don't think this is the right time Cricket! She won't be easily persuaded!

"Because this is all Queen Wasp's doing! The SilkWings have nothing to do with it! Do you really want any more precious LeafWing blood lost? If there was any time you were in perilous danger, it's now!"

"And what about the HiveWings?" Sequoia inquired, her voice still calm and soft. "They use the SilkWings for their own benefit! They've been in control too long. They cut down all our trees and left us to go half-extinct! The SilkWings are constantly abused and practically in slavery!"

Cricket had no words. Blue found that he actually agreed with every word and point Queen Sequoia had argued. And he knew Cricket did too. Everything Io had said before she had escaped were beginning to make sense every step of their quest. "It's time to stop trusting them Blue! The HiveWings are your real enemies!"

Suddenly a young LeafWing stepped forward. "My Queen, If I may... well since these-uh imposters have nothing of importance to share with us and they have no proof of the Book's disappointment, I believe we should kill them. After all, they know all our secrets and where we are hidden. That information isn't safe with anyone." He said. "Even if my dear sister trusts them."

He looked at Sundew and smirked. She growled and looked as if she was about to claw his arrogant face off. 

Blue realised that Sundew had never mentioned she had any siblings. They obviously had a much different relationship than his and Luna's. If he had a brother like that, Blue would want to keep it a secret too.

"Now now Snakeroot let's not jump into action." Queen Sequoia purred. Snakeroot stepped back shyly. "Although I don't mind the idea... these fugitives are still useful. We're all on the same side here aren't we?"

Blue nodded slowly.

Suddenly, commotion erupted from somewhere deep in the crowd behind the Queen. The LeafWings made way as one of their own limped forward. He had sustained a serious cut on his leg, most likely from a dragon's claw. It was still fresh.

He looked exhausted like he had just been in a fight. Cricket looked at Blue nervously and he could tell that she too, had a bad feeling about this.

The tribe started whispering as he pushed and shoved through them towards the Queen. Blue's heart stopped once he caught a glimpse of what the LeafWing was dragging behind him.

"Found him up north on the shore. Wasn't lookin' too good. Must've gotten lost or caught up in that storm. Quite a nasty fella aye!" 

He threw an unconscious dragon before the Queen. It's scales were multicoloured but it was hard to tell through all the mud and grime the poor dragon was covered in.

"Ooh another fugitive! How exciting! This one is definitely a SilkWing!" Queen Sequoia bent down and squeezed the unconscious dragon's cheeks until his eyes fluttered open.

Blue recognised those eyes. He can't believe he didn't notice it before. Who else would be brave enough to fight a LeafWing?

It was Swordtail.

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