He was fixing the blue tie on my outfit "oh calm down! I'll be matching you!~" 

I tilted my head. Bill sighed "idiot" he mumbled. Bill snaps his fingers and- 


hes in the name outfit as me, a black button up shirt with black dress pants and shoes, besides, my tie and belt were blue and his where yellow.

"Ta da~~~" Bill sang. "Do you liiike it Pinetree?"

i flicked his nose "I'd like it more if you shut up" both of us giggled, its always nice to be with him. Smiled, grabbing my hand, the simple action still makes my cheeks heat up. And i think this fucker knows that... 

"Ready to go Dip?"

I roll my eyes "Sure, yellow moron"

Bill smirks "Blue nerd."

"One eye" i snap back, starting to giggle 

"Meatsack" Bill lets out a little giggle too

"dorito chip"

Bill gasps "I'm offended!" I freak out, like that upset him???

"You just said dorito. Classics are orange," He smirks "I'm yellow, so i must be cool ranch"

I face palm, starting to laugh "pfffft,,,,Bill you fucking asshole!! You worried me"

Bill laughs and pulls me down the steps. Oh, yeah. Mabel's party...I honestly forgot, 

Time skip

We walk up to the door and knock. Pacifica answers, wearing a silky purple dress. "Hi Dipper! oh and you must be Seth!~" 

Bill smiles "Yep, nice to meet you"

We come in.Everyone is there. Even some of the old-teens. Like... Oh my fucking god its Wendy.

"Hey kid! look how big you are!" She punches my arm 

"haha, hey Wendy how you b-"

Bill grabs my hand and pulls me towards him "My boyfriend. Dont touch, i'll invert your spine"

Wendy looks at me with a look of 'the fuck?' though, after a second she laughs.. "Oh sorry dude, i was't trying to flirt! he's like a little brother to me!"

Bill nods, i cant help but face palm. "Seth, do you have no fucking chill or something? Calm yourself."

He rolls his eyes "Shut up" He grumbled, a look on his face. Me and Wendy both laugh. Today has been a really good day wich is, honestly super weird. I haven't really had ANY good days lately. I don't know how this could be messed up. After a while of talking with Wendy and Bill, a notice a lack of a certain glitter freak. 

I walk over to Pacifica. 

"Hey! P, have you seen Mabel?" i ask tugging on her sleave. The blond just shakes her head. "Nope, haven't seen her sense she went upstairs."

I pause, looking to the staircase. Mabel not spending time with people? weird.... 

"I'll go check on her" I mutter before walking my way over to the staircase. I hope shes alright.  As a reach the top of the steps, I knock on the wooden bathroom door. 

"Mabes, you in there you dork?"

"Come in" is all i get as a reply. Weird... Her voice sounded strange. Like, not as peppy or as high pitch. It sounded like HER dont get me wrong but, like i was hearing her voice through a machine. 

I step inside the bathroom, She isnt even facing me. 

"Mabel, are you okay?"

She turns around and looks at me, her necklace swinging side to side. The shadow of her hair covers one of her eyes while her hair covers the other. 

"Mabel??" I take a step foward, the next second was a blur, the next thing i knew i was on the ground with some, some, kinda beast over me! This isnt my fucking sister! i try and push her away, but shes just too strong. Red eyes peirce into my soul. 

Mabel's hands wrap around my throat. No! No! i made it this far, i cant die now! I kick my twin off me, ending her flying towards the bath tub. I run into the hallway before being pinned to the wall, that demon in my sisters body summoned a sythe in her hand. I screamed 

"Mabel stop! Someone! Help me!"

She laughed a wicked laugh. This bitch... she leaned over to my ear and whispered 

"who would wanna save a monster like you?"

She began to swing, i closed my eyes waiting for the pain thatd be soon to follow.

I hear a long clang, and i open my eyes, the demon is at the other end of the hall. a blue chain holding her to the floor. And my demon at the other


Gravity has Fallen (book 2 of AFTER GRAVITy)Where stories live. Discover now