Chapter 7

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Bill's pov

I watched My lil pine tree search for something to wear mumbling to himself. All i could really hear was like

"no... to formal"

"ugh, too plain"

I roll my eyes 

"Dippy~~ " i come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his tiny body 

Do you remember our puppet show?~" i giggle. Dipper trys to pull away 

"Don't remind me..." He sighed. i chuckle some more, this will be cute!~

"how about you wear something like that!~ it really suited you're, well our body~ hehe~"

Dipper turns red "Sh-shut up!! No way! I'll just wear a blue button up shirt and jeans!"

I pull away laughing. "Here kid let me give you a hand!" With a snap of a finger, both of us are dressed.

Small time skip, Dipper POV

Bill sat behind me fixing my mess of a hair. 

"Jeez kid, you ever brush this?" He mumbles. I chuckle 

"Why do you think i wear hats?" Bill laughs 

"eh true....true.." his voice trails "so kid, uh... you aren't worried?"

I cock a brow and look back at him, my head tilted. "About what?" Bill smiles letting out a small giggle.

"Ok one, that was down right adorable. Two, " he sighed looking down  "Don't you think shoot- i mean, Mabel is acting,weird? Strange? Odd?"

I shrug, i mean it hasn't been that bad has it? No, just a few odd glances. She may just be planning a prank.

" i don't know,"Bill's worried face may make me reconsider though. "Dipper I..." He trys to speak. "I... don't know whats gonna happen but just" He sighs.  

"just, keep your guard up for me kid i.." I can see it in his eyes, he's going through his new found memorys. Of Will, Tad, That bastard of a mother. 

"I don't wanna see you hurt, not again"

3rd POV

Mabel was in the bathroom, At Pacifica's manner. She looked at her sleek red dress and red lipstick. Her golden necklace and earings sparkled much like her personality often did. But, today her eyes seemed dull. She seemed to be wearing contacts. Some say she looked utterly stunning others say she looked....


Her gloved hand fixed the misplaced stone on her neck,, the necklace chocked her, but the pain didnt faze her. This effort was't to impress a boy though. She fixed her bangs, put on blush and fake lashes. Thats the word


She looked lifeless as she looked back at her reflection. Her bubbly personality seemed long gone. She looked like a dressed up doll, a puppet on their master's strings. Some may call that stunning, others say its eery, creepy, unatural. The smallest smirk grew on her face.

She was dressing up for a boy in a way.

Dipper's pov

Bill wore a a yellow hoodie and back skinny jeans for fucks sake. Yet he insisted on dressing me up.

"Billll..... Stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop" i groaned. 

Gravity has Fallen (book 2 of AFTER GRAVITy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ