"Cute with a Deal"chapter 6

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I smiled, looking at the brown haired boy with utter admiration, 

I slowly wrapped my arms around my frail, tiny human. Gladly holding him tightly, Pulling him closer to me until he's on my lap.. Dipper has always known what to say. He's smart, he's kind, he's cute, he's...

"Perfect~" Fuck! I fuckin slipped out the last bit of my train of thought! Im so dumb. But why should i care, when i can cuddle him~ I nuzzled my lil pnetree

"B-Bill?" my little blushing mess asked~ I giggle at the thought "What are you giggling about?"

Dippers POV

I look up at Bill, and yes i have to look up at him even on his lap... ugh. He looks back at me in my eyes a smirk settled on his face.

"How cute you are~" Bill chuckled under his breath, grabbing my collar and french kissing me. I try to pull away but he has his and to the back of my head. Every time i pull away he pushes me deeper in the kiss. I give in and kiss back. I'm...well more sloppy then him. Yet its...i hate to say it enjoyable non the less. 

Bill grabs me by the waist 


I can feel my face heat up...I'm bright red aren't i? 

I get to pull away for a second, panting. "Little much dontchya think?" I ask, huffing for air. 

Bill's smirk grows "Never"

The blond man pulls my hair, forcing me to kiss him again. I keep trying to pull away for air but every time he pulls me back by my hair. 

At one point i am able to pull away

"Bill~ Stop~" 

"No." The demon mumbles. Trying to kiss me again but, ive sealed my mouth shut. 

"Dipper~ c'mon!~'

i shake my head. Bill playfully smirks

"hard way it is~"

He pulls thy hair. 

"AH! you Dic-"

but i was cut off by a dorito kissing me. 

We are like that for awhile until Bill pulls away "Still not a good kisser yet eh pinetree?" He whipped his mouth after saying that. 

"H-hey! No fair y-you were my first real kiss!" 

Bill went into fits of laughter. 

"aww~ Is someone upset?~" Grrr.... that prick is using a baby voice!!

"Stop it Bill!~" I whine.  Throwing myself on his chest. "Pweaase?~" I look up at him with big puppy eyes. 

Bill gives me a sweet smile and kisses my forehead. "Fine, only cause i can't say no to that face~"

i roll my eyes. "Screw you"

I can hear Bill holding back laughter "Gladly"


Mabel's POV 

Being lonely as ever, i walked around the shack. Waiting for Pacifica, we have big plans to host a party at her place! Sense her parents were um, hehe 'Taken away, AKA sent to jail for child abuse...Fiddle Ford let her say back there and has been raising her sense!

She runs yo me in a purple outfit i got her, With steam punk boots, leather jacket, watch, gear earings, and even an old looking golden necklace-clock ! I went all out for her. 

"Mabes!" She come to me with a smile "he-"

  "BIIIILL!!!" I  hear Dipper scream from inside. Her eyes widen and i look down. 

"No way..." I look up at her "Nah," I fake smile.. I can't let that secret out. " He more then likely had a nightmare and woke up screaming his name outa fear."

"Ohh!!" Pacifica Smiled. "Good to know!" 

"Lets start working on the party" I yell, a big smile on my face. 

Dippers pov. 

i lay there beside Bill. His arms wrapped around me 

"hey, Bill?" i ask.

"Hmmmm?~" Bill hums, playing with my hair. 

"Can you come with me to Mabez's party? 

The demon smiles "sure! you know i like parties!"

i chuckled. Like is a bit of an understatement...

"oh shush!!" Bill calls out

"Stop reading my mind!!!" I yell, sitting up and slamming a pillow down on his face. 


??? point of view.

I sat in a tree waiting for the twin to show. She better hurry before i kill that boy the easy way.


i look down. "aha!" i jump town from the tree pulling my sythe down with me. "there you are!"

she rolled her eyes "ugh, look, you promise this will make my life normal? and get rid of him?"

I smiled with my toothy grin. "Better then normal. But you need to be willing to do anything."

The young women looked down "well..." 

"tick tock hon"

"Deal" she held out her hand and i shook it 


the red spark lit in out hand shake my brown eyes turning red. 

"all i need is you"

HAHA i torture you with short chapter before big chapter mwahaha sorry

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