First Burn

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In this story Alice has a affair with Thomas/Tom Connor, during the story they'll be four versions of you; Current, During the Breakdown, Bribe/Groom and when Lilith like the video above.

A young man/woman stood in front of the fireplace watching several pictures, letters and poems burn to ash in the fire, tossing a few more from three boxes next to them.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

They turn away from the fire to their siblings Sammy and Danny (Been a long time) watching their brother/sister crumble from the devastation about the affair with Alice and Tom, that has gone on for months behind your back until Susie told you with a letter from Alice to Tom.

"Why does it matter, Sammy?"

Sammy was about to say something but stopped in his tracks as someone knocked frantically on the front door Danny went to answer as the two siblings continued to talk, but was interrupt by Danny yelling at someone then Alice busting in through the door.


I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I saw you
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine 

They held a letter close to their chest staring into her eyes Alice putting her hand on their face, but was pushed away as (Y/N) starts to tear up.

Do you know what Sammy said
When I told him what you'd done?
He said  

"You have married an Icarus she has flown too close to the sun" 

Alice turned to their sibling catching them glaring at her before they turned away and walked up the stairs to her kids, she walked up to (Y/N) reaching out to grab their shoulder but was again pushed away.

Don't take another step in my direction
I can't be trusted around you
Don't think you can talk your way
Into my arms, into my arms  

I'm burning the letters you wrote me
You can stand over there if you want
I don't know who you are
I have so much to learn  

Turning to her right seeing their (Y/N) broken down with puffy red eyes and messy hair, holding all the pictures and letters in their hand and in the other a lit candle handle.

I'm re-reading your letters
And watching them burn (burn)
I'm watching them burn (burn) 

Holding all the papers over the fire as the room starts to burn causing the angel to stumbling back into the boxes as paper flew around the room, then a groom/bribe (Y/N) comes out from the fire crying holding a letter to her from Tom.

You published the letters he wrote to you
You told the whole world
How you brought this boy into our bed
In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives  

Heaven forbid someone whisper
"She's part of some scheme"

Then a (Y/N) dressed in full black stood next to a shadow whispering in it's ear, then more shadows stood next to Alice with wide white smiles.

Your enemy whispers
So you have to scream

The current (Y/N) walked up to Alice and leaned into her ear.

I know about whispers
I see how you look at my brother
Don't, I'm not naive
I have seen women/men around you

Men and women surrounded Alice with love or lust in all their eyes as (Y/N) stared in anger at her, then Tom and their siblings appears.

Don't think I don't see
How they fall for your charms
All your charms  

Then everyone around her turns into ashes as one by one each (Y/N) with their backs towards her turns into ashes echoing the same sentence.

I'm erasing myself from the narrative  

Until the original stood in front of her with tears streaming down their face.

Let future historians wonder how (Y/N) reacted
When you broke her/his heart
You have thrown it all away

They turned to her and held her shoulders with a smile that quickly into a frown pushing her away.  

Stand back, watch it burn
Just watch it all burn  

Sammy and Danny with the newborn in the eldest sibling's arm, ran down the steps witnessing (Y/N) throwing in more paper into the fire as Alice stood there in shock.

And when the time comes
Explain to the children  

Throwing a box into the fire facing Alice as (Y/N) stared at her with anger in their teary eyes, 

The pain and embarrassment
You put their mother/father through  
When will you learn  

Danny ran up to (Y/N) holding them back in his arms as they try to get closer Alice with the ring still in their hand.

When will you learn
That they are your legacy?
We are your legacy  

They struggle free from their sibling throwing the ring into the fire and falls onto their knees crying.

If you thought you were mine (mine, mine)

"I believe you should leave now."

Danny said holding (Y/N) in his arms as Alice slowly backs away saying 'I'm so sorry' over and over again until she went out the door.

Batim Alice Angel x Reader Where stories live. Discover now