Chapter 12

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"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die. 
To a willing foe and plentiful airspace!"

- Traditional aeronaut's toast

As the Swallow limped into in Athens for much-needed repair, Jo and Henry stood at the railing of the airship and looked down at the land below. "Do you think it will take them long to repair the ship?" Jo asked Henry.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I'm no engineer, that's for sure." He grinned. "If I was, I'd be off at university like my brother, not swabbing decks with the likes of you."

"I didn't know you had a brother."

"Between Sargeant Brasch running us ragged and being attacked by those great, bloody Wasps, I suppose it didn't come  up."

"Are you and your brother close?" Jo asked. "Do you have any other siblings?" Henry was right-she and her fellow recruits had found little time to get to know one another.

He shrugged. "Close enough, I suppose. There are only a few years between us but he's always been the more rugged of us, and my father's favorite."

Jo frowned sympathetically. "That sounds horrid." 

Olivia often said Jo had been spoiled by years of her father's complete and utter devotion. In fact, the only time he hadn't indulged her wishes had been when he'd arranged for her marriage to the Admiral's nephew. And she'd certainly outsmarted him on that score. She felt a twinge of triumph at the thought and made a mental note to post a letter to Livy. No doubt she was positively revelling in all those books at Bell House.

"What about you?" Henry asked. "Do you have a large family?"

Jo shook her head. "It's only me and my father. My mother died when I was very young."

"I'm sorry." Henry looked stricken.

Jo gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't be. I wish I had known her, of course, but the truth is that I barely remember her. And I have a cousin with whom I am quite close."

"Couldn't talk him into the joining the Fleet with you?"

"Her," Jo corrected. "Her Majesty's Aeronautical Fleet may permit its aeronauts more privileges than the French, but we're not so progressive we'll let women join." At least, not in the traditional sense. "Anyway, she's just been married off to Admiral Bell's nephew."

"Blimey." Henry whistled, suitably impressed. "Your cousin is married to the Admiral's nephew? Couldn't you use your new family connection to wrangle a better position?"

"Didn't you read the handbook we were issued? 'Advancement in rank is achieved only by seniority and merit'," she quoted. Unlike England's ground forces, the Aeronautical Fleet didn't permit the sale of officers' commissions. "Anyway, what could be preferable to serving under Sergeant Brasch?"

Henry let out a bark of laughter. "It's not precisely what I imagined, but it has been an adventure, that's for certain."

"Do you regret joining the Fleet?" Jo asked. "Perhaps you've a sweetheart back home, pining for you?"

Henry's face turned a bright shade of pink. "No, nothing like that."

"No regrets, you mean, or no sweetheart?"

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